Displaying similar documents to “A category model proof of the cogluing theorem”

Stratified model categories

Jan Spaliński (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The fourth axiom of a model category states that given a commutative square of maps, say i: A → B, g: B → Y, f: A → X, and p: X → Y such that gi = pf, if i is a cofibration, p a fibration and either i or p is a weak equivalence, then a lifting (i.e. a map h: B → X such that ph = g and hi = f) exists. We show that for many model categories the two conditions that either i or p above is a weak equivalence can be embedded in an infinite number of conditions which imply the existence of...

Non functorial cylinders in a model category

J. García-Calcines, P. García-Díaz, S. Rodríguez-Machín (2006)

Open Mathematics


Taking cylinder objects, as defined in a model category, we consider a cylinder construction in a cofibration category, which provides a reformulation of relative homotopy in the sense of Baues. Although this cylinder is not a functor we show that it verifies a list of properties which are very closed to those of an I-category (or category with a natural cylinder functor). Considering these new properties, we also give an alternative description of Baues’ relative homotopy groupoids. ...