Displaying similar documents to “The complexity of systolic dissemination of information in interconnection networks”

Parallel machine scheduling with uncertain communication delays

Aziz Moukrim, Eric Sanlaville, Frédéric Guinand (2003)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


This paper is concerned with scheduling when the data are not fully known before the execution. In that case computing a complete schedule off-line with estimated data may lead to poor performances. Some flexibility must be added to the scheduling process. We propose to start from a partial schedule and to postpone the complete scheduling until execution, thus introducing what we call a stabilization scheme. This is applied to the m machine problem with communication delays: in our model...

Scheduling UET Trees with Communication Delays on two Processors

Frederic Guinand, Denis Trystman (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research


In this paper, we present a new linear time algorithm for scheduling UECT (Unit Execution and Communication Time) trees on two identical processors. The chosen criterion is the makespan. The used strategy is based on clustering of tasks. We show that this algorithm builds optimal schedules. Some extensions are discussed for non UECT tasks.