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q-plurisubharmonicity and q-pseudoconvexity in Cn.

Nguyen Quang Dieu (2006)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We generalize classical results for plurisubharmonic functions and hyperconvex domain to q-plurisubharmonic functions and q-hyperconvex domains. We show, among other things, that Bq-regular domains are q-hyperconvex. Moreover, some smoothing results for q-plurisubharmonic functions are also given.

Quantitative estimates for the Green function and an application to the Bergman metric

Klas Diederich, Gregor Herbort (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let D n be a bounded pseudoconvex domain that admits a Hölder continuous plurisubharmonic exhaustion function. Let its pluricomplex Green function be denoted by G D ( . , . ) . In this article we give for a compact subset K D a quantitative upper bound for the supremum sup z K | G D ( z , w ) | in terms of the boundary distance of K and w . This enables us to prove that, on a smooth bounded regular domain D (in the sense of Diederich-Fornaess), the Bergman differential metric B D ( w ; X ) tends to infinity, for X n / { O } , when w D tends to a boundary point....

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