Displaying 181 – 200 of 225

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The p-period of an infinite group.

Xia Yining (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

For Γ a group of finite virtual cohomological dimension and a prime p, the p-period of Γ is defined to be the least positive integer d such that Farrell cohomology groups Hi(Γ; M) and Hi+d(Γ; M) have naturally isomorphic ZΓ modules M.We generalize a result of Swan on the p-period of a finite p-periodic group to a p-periodic infinite group, i.e., we prove that the p-period of a p-periodic group Γ of finite vcd is 2LCM(|N(〈x〉) / C(〈x〉)|) if the Γ has a finite quotient whose a p-Sylow subgroup is elementary...

Une construction intrinsèque du cœur de l'invariant de Casson

Wolfgang Pitsch (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Nous donnons une nouvelle construction cohomologique du cœur de l'invariant de Casson et nous donnons un nouveau calcul de ses valeurs sur les générateurs du sous- groupe de Johnson du mapping class group.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 225