Weak bounds for the maximal function in weighted Orlicz spaces
We prove that, in arbitrary finite dimensions, the maximal operator for the Laguerre semigroup is of weak type (1,1). This extends Muckenhoupt's one-dimensional result.
We prove weak type (1,1) estimates for a special class of Calderón-Zygmund homogeneous kernels represented as l¹ sums of "equidistributed" H¹ atoms on 𝕊¹.
We derive two-weight weak type estimates for operators of potential type in homogeneous spaces. The conditions imposed on the weights are testing conditions of the kind first studied by E. T. Sawyer [4]. We also give some applications to strong type estimates as well as to operators on half-spaces.
We consider singular integral operators on ℝ given by convolution with a principal value distribution defined by integrating against oscillating kernels of the form where R(x) = P(x)/Q(x) is a general rational function with real coefficients. We establish weak-type (1,1) bounds for such operators which are uniform in the coefficients, depending only on the degrees of P and Q. It is not always the case that these operators map the Hardy space H¹(ℝ) to L¹(ℝ) and we will characterise those rational...
We use the Galé and Pytlik [3] representation of Riesz functions to prove the Hörmander multiplier theorem for the modified Hankel transform.
In this paper we will study the behavior of the Riesz transform associated with the Gaussian measure γ(x)dx = e-|x|2dx in the space Lγ1 (Rn).
We prove sharp a priori estimates for the distribution function of the dyadic maximal function ℳ ϕ, when ϕ belongs to the Lorentz space , 1 < p < ∞, 1 ≤ q < ∞. The approach rests on a precise evaluation of the Bellman function corresponding to the problem. As an application, we establish refined weak-type estimates for the dyadic maximal operator: for p,q as above and r ∈ [1,p], we determine the best constant such that for any , .
Some weighted sharp maximal function inequalities for the Toeplitz type operator are established, where are a fixed singular integral operator with non-smooth kernel or ±I (the identity operator), are linear operators defined on the space of locally integrable functions, k = 1,..., m, and . The weighted boundedness of on Morrey spaces is obtained by using sharp maximal function inequalities.