Displaying 41 – 60 of 160

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Weak type estimates for operators of potential type

Richard Wheeden, Shiying Zhao (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We derive two-weight weak type estimates for operators of potential type in homogeneous spaces. The conditions imposed on the weights are testing conditions of the kind first studied by E. T. Sawyer [4]. We also give some applications to strong type estimates as well as to operators on half-spaces.

Weak-type (1,1) bounds for oscillatory singular integrals with rational phases

Magali Folch-Gabayet, James Wright (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We consider singular integral operators on ℝ given by convolution with a principal value distribution defined by integrating against oscillating kernels of the form e i R ( x ) / x where R(x) = P(x)/Q(x) is a general rational function with real coefficients. We establish weak-type (1,1) bounds for such operators which are uniform in the coefficients, depending only on the degrees of P and Q. It is not always the case that these operators map the Hardy space H¹(ℝ) to L¹(ℝ) and we will characterise those rational...

Weak-type inequalities for maximal operators acting on Lorentz spaces

Adam Osękowski (2014)

Banach Center Publications

We prove sharp a priori estimates for the distribution function of the dyadic maximal function ℳ ϕ, when ϕ belongs to the Lorentz space L p , q , 1 < p < ∞, 1 ≤ q < ∞. The approach rests on a precise evaluation of the Bellman function corresponding to the problem. As an application, we establish refined weak-type estimates for the dyadic maximal operator: for p,q as above and r ∈ [1,p], we determine the best constant C p , q , r such that for any ϕ L p , q , | | ϕ | | r , C p , q , r | | ϕ | | p , q .

Weighted boundedness of Toeplitz type operators related to singular integral operators with non-smooth kernel

Xiaosha Zhou, Lanzhe Liu (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Some weighted sharp maximal function inequalities for the Toeplitz type operator T b = k = 1 m T k , 1 M b T k , 2 are established, where T k , 1 are a fixed singular integral operator with non-smooth kernel or ±I (the identity operator), T k , 2 are linear operators defined on the space of locally integrable functions, k = 1,..., m, and M b ( f ) = b f . The weighted boundedness of T b on Morrey spaces is obtained by using sharp maximal function inequalities.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 160