Eigenvalues of the Hodge Laplacian on the Heisenberg group.
We consider elementary operators , acting on a unital Banach algebra, where and are separately commuting families of generalized scalar elements. We give an ascent estimate and a lower bound estimate for such an operator. Additionally, we give a weak variant of the Fuglede-Putnam theorem for an elementary operator with strongly commuting families and , i.e. (), where all and ( and ) commute. The main tool is an L¹ estimate of the Fourier transform of a certain class of functions...
In this paper, we rule out the possibility that a certain method of proof in the sums differences conjecture can settle the Kakeya Conjecture.
For two strictly elliptic operators L₀ and L₁ on the unit ball in ℝⁿ, whose coefficients have a difference function that satisfies a Carleson-type condition, it is shown that a pointwise comparison concerning Lusin area integrals is valid. This result is used to prove that if L₁u₁ = 0 in B₁(0) and then lies in the exponential square class whenever L₀ is an operator so that L₀u₀ = 0 and implies is in the exponential square class; here S is the Lusin area integral. The exponential square theorem,...
A sharp embedding relation between local Hardy spaces and modulation spaces is given.
A simple expression is presented that is equivalent to the norm of the Lpv → Lqu embedding of the cone of quasi-concave functions in the case 0 < q < p < ∞. The result is extended to more general cones and the case q = 1 is used to prove a reduction principle which shows that questions of boundedness of operators on these cones may be reduced to the boundedness of related operators on whole spaces. An equivalent norm for the dual of the Lorentz spaceΓp(v) = { f: ( ∫0∞ (f**)pv...
Let be the graph of the function defined by with 1< and let the measure on induced by the Euclidean area measure on S. In this paper we characterize the set of pairs (p,q) such that the convolution operator with is - bounded.
We prove endpoint bounds for the square function associated with radial Fourier multipliers acting on radial functions. This is a consequence of endpoint bounds for a corresponding square function for Hankel multipliers. We obtain a sharp Marcinkiewicz-type multiplier theorem for multivariate Hankel multipliers and bounds of maximal operators generated by Hankel multipliers as corollaries. The proof is built on techniques developed by Garrigós and Seeger for characterizations of Hankel multipliers....