Displaying 1461 – 1480 of 3648

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Lp extremal polynomials. Results and perspectives

Laskri, Yamina, Benzine, Rachid (2006)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C40, 30D50, 30E10, 30E15, 42C05.Let α = β+γ be a positive finite measure defined on the Borel sets of C, with compact support, where β is a measure concentrated on a closed Jordan curve or on an arc (a circle or a segment) and γ is a discrete measure concentrated on an infinite number of points. In this survey paper, we present a synthesis on the asymptotic behaviour of orthogonal polynomials or Lp extremal polynomials associated to the measure α. We analyze...

LP → LQ - Estimates for the Fractional Acoustic Potentials and some Related Operators

Karapetyants, Alexey, Karasev, Denis, Nogin, Vladimir (2005)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B38, 31B10, 42B20, 42B15.We obtain the Lp → Lq - estimates for the fractional acoustic potentials in R^n, which are known to be negative powers of the Helmholtz operator, and some related operators. Some applications of these estimates are also given.* This paper has been supported by Russian Fond of Fundamental Investigations under Grant No. 40–01–008632 a.

Lp multipliers and their H1-L1 estimates on the Heisenberg group.

Chin-Cheng Lin (1995)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We give a Hörmander-type sufficient condition on an operator-valued function M that implies the Lp-boundedness result for the operator TM defined by (TMf)^ = Mf^ on the (2n + 1)-dimensional Heisenberg group Hn. Here ^ denotes the Fourier transform on Hn defined in terms of the Fock representations. We also show the H1-L1 boundedness of TM, ||TMf||L1 ≤ C||f||H1, for Hn under the same hypotheses of Lp-boundedness.

Lp-bounds for spherical maximal operators on Zn.

Akos Magyar (1997)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We prove analogue statements of the spherical maximal theorem of E. M. Stein, for the lattice points Zn. We decompose the discrete spherical measures as an integral of Gaussian kernels st,ε(x) = e2πi|x|2(t + iε). By using Minkowski's integral inequality it is enough to prove Lp-bounds for the corresponding convolution operators. The proof is then based on L2-estimates by analysing the Fourier transforms ^st,ε(ξ), which can be handled by making use of the circle method for exponential sums. As a...

Currently displaying 1461 – 1480 of 3648