Displaying 141 – 160 of 461

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A note on some expansions of p-adic functions

Grzegorz Szkibiel (1992)

Acta Arithmetica

Introduction. Recently J. Rutkowski (see [3]) has defined the p-adic analogue of the Walsh system, which we shall denote by ( ϕ ) m . The system ( ϕ ) m is defined in the space C(ℤₚ,ℂₚ) of ℂₚ-valued continuous functions on ℤₚ. J. Rutkowski has also considered some questions concerning expansions of functions from C(ℤₚ,ℂₚ) with respect to ( ϕ ) m . This paper is a remark to Rutkowski’s paper. We define another system ( h ) n in C(ℤₚ,ℂₚ), investigate its properties and compare it to the system defined by Rutkowski. The system...

A note on the convolution theorem for the Fourier transform

Charles S. Kahane (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we characterize those bounded linear transformations T f carrying L 1 ( 1 ) into the space of bounded continuous functions on 1 , for which the convolution identity T ( f * g ) = T f · T g holds. It is shown that such a transformation is just the Fourier transform combined with an appropriate change of variable.

A note on the strong maximal operator on ℝⁿ

Jiecheng Chen, Xiangrong Zhu (2004)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that for f ∈ L ln⁺L(ℝⁿ) with compact support, there is a g ∈ L ln⁺L(ℝⁿ) such that (a) g and f are equidistributed, (b) M S ( g ) L ¹ ( E ) for any measurable set E of finite measure.

A particular smooth interpolation that generates splines

Segeth, Karel (2017)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

There are two grounds the spline theory stems from - the algebraic one (where splines are understood as piecewise smooth functions satisfying some continuity conditions) and the variational one (where splines are obtained via minimization of some quadratic functionals with constraints). We use the general variational approach called smooth interpolation introduced by Talmi and Gilat and show that it covers not only the cubic spline and its 2D and 3D analogues but also the well known tension spline...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 461