Iterations of linear bounded operators in non self-adjoint eigenvalue problems and Kellogg's iteration process

Ivo Marek

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (1962)

  • Volume: 12, Issue: 4, page 536-554
  • ISSN: 0011-4642

How to cite


Marek, Ivo. "Iterations of linear bounded operators in non self-adjoint eigenvalue problems and Kellogg's iteration process." Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 12.4 (1962): 536-554. <>.

author = {Marek, Ivo},
journal = {Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal},
keywords = {functional analysis},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {536-554},
publisher = {Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic},
title = {Iterations of linear bounded operators in non self-adjoint eigenvalue problems and Kellogg's iteration process},
url = {},
volume = {12},
year = {1962},

AU - Marek, Ivo
TI - Iterations of linear bounded operators in non self-adjoint eigenvalue problems and Kellogg's iteration process
JO - Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
PY - 1962
PB - Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
VL - 12
IS - 4
SP - 536
EP - 554
LA - eng
KW - functional analysis
UR -
ER -


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Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Ivo Marek, Приближенное решение несимметрических задач на собственные значения. Применение к методу сеток
  2. Ivo Marek, A principle of dehomogenization for eigenvalue problems (Preliminary communication)
  3. Ivo Marek, On approximate methods in eigenvalue problems
  4. Tomáš Kojecký, An approximative solution of the generalized eigenvalue problem
  5. Ivo Marek, On a method of D. Marsal for equations with positive operators
  6. Jan Zítko, Kellogg's iterations for general complex matrix
  7. Tomáš Kojecký, Iterative solution of eigenvalue problems for normal operators
  8. Ivo Marek, A note on K -positive operators
  9. Ivo Marek, An infinite dimensional analogue of R. S. Varga's lemma
  10. Zdenka Groschaftová, Ivo Marek, Königova věta a důkaz konvergence Kelloggova iteračního procesu

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