Iterations of linear bounded operators in non self-adjoint eigenvalue problems and Kellogg's iteration process
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (1962)
- Volume: 12, Issue: 4, page 536-554
- ISSN: 0011-4642
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topMarek, Ivo. "Iterations of linear bounded operators in non self-adjoint eigenvalue problems and Kellogg's iteration process." Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 12.4 (1962): 536-554. <>.
author = {Marek, Ivo},
journal = {Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal},
keywords = {functional analysis},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {536-554},
publisher = {Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic},
title = {Iterations of linear bounded operators in non self-adjoint eigenvalue problems and Kellogg's iteration process},
url = {},
volume = {12},
year = {1962},
AU - Marek, Ivo
TI - Iterations of linear bounded operators in non self-adjoint eigenvalue problems and Kellogg's iteration process
JO - Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
PY - 1962
PB - Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
VL - 12
IS - 4
SP - 536
EP - 554
LA - eng
KW - functional analysis
UR -
ER -
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Citations in EuDML Documents
top- Ivo Marek, Приближенное решение несимметрических задач на собственные значения. Применение к методу сеток
- Ivo Marek, A principle of dehomogenization for eigenvalue problems (Preliminary communication)
- Ivo Marek, On approximate methods in eigenvalue problems
- Tomáš Kojecký, An approximative solution of the generalized eigenvalue problem
- Ivo Marek, On a method of D. Marsal for equations with positive operators
- Jan Zítko, Kellogg's iterations for general complex matrix
- Tomáš Kojecký, Iterative solution of eigenvalue problems for normal operators
- Ivo Marek, A note on -positive operators
- Ivo Marek, An infinite dimensional analogue of R. S. Varga's lemma
- Zdenka Groschaftová, Ivo Marek, Königova věta a důkaz konvergence Kelloggova iteračního procesu
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