A notion of measure for classes in AST
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae (1987)
- Volume: 028, Issue: 3, page 449-455
- ISSN: 0010-2628
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topHow to cite
top- A. SOCHOR P. VOPĚNKA, Ultrafilters of sets, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 22 (1981), 689-699. (1981) MR0647017
- P. VOPĚNKA, Mathematics in the Alternative Set Theory, Teubner -Texte, Leipzig 1979. (1979) MR0581368
Citations in EuDML Documents
top- Athanossios Tzouvaras, Correction to the paper “A notion of measure for classes in AST”
- Martin Kalina, Pavol Zlatoš, Arithmetic of cuts and cuts of classes
- Martin Kalina, A sequential approach to a construction of measures
- Karel Čuda, Multiplication of nonadditive cuts in AST
- Martin Kalina, Pavol Zlatoš, Cuts of real classes
- Martin Kalina, Pavol Zlatoš, Borel classes in AST. Measurability, cuts and equivalence