The Douady-Earle extension of quasihomographies

Ken-Ichi Sakan; Józef Zając

Banach Center Publications (1996)

  • Volume: 37, Issue: 1, page 35-44
  • ISSN: 0137-6934


Quasihomography is a useful notion to represent a sense-preserving automorphism of the unit circle T which admits a quasiconformal extension to the unit disc. For K ≥ 1 let A T ( K ) denote the family of all K-quasihomographies of T. With any f A T ( K ) we associate the Douady-Earle extension E f and give an explicit and asymptotically sharp estimate of the L norm of the complex dilatation of E f .

How to cite


Sakan, Ken-Ichi, and Zając, Józef. "The Douady-Earle extension of quasihomographies." Banach Center Publications 37.1 (1996): 35-44. <>.

abstract = {Quasihomography is a useful notion to represent a sense-preserving automorphism of the unit circle T which admits a quasiconformal extension to the unit disc. For K ≥ 1 let $A_T(K)$ denote the family of all K-quasihomographies of T. With any $f ∈ A_T(K)$ we associate the Douady-Earle extension $E_f$ and give an explicit and asymptotically sharp estimate of the $L_∞$ norm of the complex dilatation of $E_f$.},
author = {Sakan, Ken-Ichi, Zając, Józef},
journal = {Banach Center Publications},
keywords = {quasihomography; automorphism; Douady-Earle extension},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {35-44},
title = {The Douady-Earle extension of quasihomographies},
url = {},
volume = {37},
year = {1996},

AU - Sakan, Ken-Ichi
AU - Zając, Józef
TI - The Douady-Earle extension of quasihomographies
JO - Banach Center Publications
PY - 1996
VL - 37
IS - 1
SP - 35
EP - 44
AB - Quasihomography is a useful notion to represent a sense-preserving automorphism of the unit circle T which admits a quasiconformal extension to the unit disc. For K ≥ 1 let $A_T(K)$ denote the family of all K-quasihomographies of T. With any $f ∈ A_T(K)$ we associate the Douady-Earle extension $E_f$ and give an explicit and asymptotically sharp estimate of the $L_∞$ norm of the complex dilatation of $E_f$.
LA - eng
KW - quasihomography; automorphism; Douady-Earle extension
UR -
ER -


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