Local properties of graphs

Jiří Sedláček

Časopis pro pěstování matematiky (1981)

  • Volume: 106, Issue: 3, page 290-298
  • ISSN: 0528-2195

How to cite


Sedláček, Jiří. "Lokální vlastnosti grafů." Časopis pro pěstování matematiky 106.3 (1981): 290-298. <http://eudml.org/doc/21468>.

author = {Sedláček, Jiří},
journal = {Časopis pro pěstování matematiky},
keywords = {vertex neighborhood},
language = {cze},
number = {3},
pages = {290-298},
publisher = {Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences},
title = {Lokální vlastnosti grafů},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/21468},
volume = {106},
year = {1981},

AU - Sedláček, Jiří
TI - Lokální vlastnosti grafů
JO - Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
PY - 1981
PB - Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
VL - 106
IS - 3
SP - 290
EP - 298
LA - cze
KW - vertex neighborhood
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/21468
ER -


  1. M. Behzad G. Chartrand, Introduction to the theory of graphs, Boston 1971. (1971) MR0432461
  2. F. C. Bussemaker S. Čobeljić D. M. Cvetković J. J. Seidel, Сomputer investigation of cubic graphs, Technological University Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Department of Мathematics, Јanuary 1976. (1976) 
  3. G. Chartrand R. E. Pippert, Locally connected graphs, Čas. pěst. mat. 99 (1974), 158-163. (1974) MR0398872
  4. K. H. Kulkarni, Sufficient conditions for edge-locally connected and w-connected graphs, Čas. pěst. mat. (v tisku). 
  5. J. Sedláček, Úvod do teorie grafů, Praha 1977. (1977) MR0491274
  6. D. W. VanderJagt, Sufficient conditions for locally connected graphs, Čas. pěst. mat. 99 (1974), 400-404. (1974) Zbl0294.05123MR0543786
  7. A. A. Zykov, Problem 30, Theoгy of graphs and its applications. Proc. Symp. Smolenice 1963 (M. Fidler, ed.), Prague 1964, 164-165. (1963) 
  8. C. Я. Aгaкuшueвa, O гpaфax c зaдaнными oкpyжeниями вepшин, Maтeмaтичecкиe зaмeтки 3 (1968), 211-216. (1968) 
  9. C. Я. Aгaкuшueвa, Гpaфы, oкpyжeниeм вepшин кoтopыx cлyжaт пpocтыe цeпи или пpocтыe циклы, Дoклaды А.H. Азepб. ССP 26 (1970), 7-10. (1970) 
  10. B. K. Бyлumкo, O гpaфax c зaдaнными oкpyжeниями вepшин, Tpyды мaтeмaтичecкoгo инcтитyтa им. B. А. Стeклoвa 133 (1973), 78-94. (1973) MR0434882
  11. B. Г. Buзuнг, Heкoтopыe нepeшeныe зaдaчи в тeopии гpaфoв, Уcпexи мaтeмaтичecкиx нayк 23, вып. 6 (144) 1968, 117-134. (1968) 
  12. A. A. Зыкoв, Teopия кoнeчныx гpaфoв I., Hoвocибиpcк 1969. (1969) 

Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Bohdan Zelinka, Edge neighbourhood graphs
  2. Jiří Sedláček, O kubických grafech
  3. Bohdan Zelinka, Two local properties of graphs
  4. Halina Bielak, On graphs with nonisomorphic 2 -neighbourhoods
  5. Bohdan Zelinka, Polytopic locally linear graphs
  6. Bohdan Zelinka, Neighbourhood realizations of complements of intersection graphs
  7. Bohdan Zelinka, Graphs with prescribed neighbourhood graphs
  8. Zdeněk Ryjáček, Graphs with nonisomorphic vertex neighbourhoods of the first and second types
  9. Peter Bugata, Mirko Horňák, Stanislav Jendroľ, On graphs with given neighbourhoods
  10. Halina Bielak, Elżbieta Soczewińska, Some remarks about digraphs with nonisomorphic 1 - or 2 -neighbourhoods

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