A Reduced Basis Enrichment for the eXtended Finite Element Method

E. Chahine; P. Laborde; Y. Renard

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (2009)

  • Volume: 4, Issue: 1, page 88-105
  • ISSN: 0973-5348


This paper is devoted to the introduction of a new variant of the extended finite element method (Xfem) for the approximation of elastostatic fracture problems. This variant consists in a reduced basis strategy for the definition of the crack tip enrichment. It is particularly adapted when the asymptotic crack-tip displacement is complex or even unknown. We give a mathematical result of quasi-optimal a priori error estimate and some computational tests including a comparison with some other strategies.

How to cite


Chahine, E., Laborde, P., and Renard, Y.. "A Reduced Basis Enrichment for the eXtended Finite Element Method." Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 4.1 (2009): 88-105. <http://eudml.org/doc/222353>.

abstract = { This paper is devoted to the introduction of a new variant of the extended finite element method (Xfem) for the approximation of elastostatic fracture problems. This variant consists in a reduced basis strategy for the definition of the crack tip enrichment. It is particularly adapted when the asymptotic crack-tip displacement is complex or even unknown. We give a mathematical result of quasi-optimal a priori error estimate and some computational tests including a comparison with some other strategies.},
author = {Chahine, E., Laborde, P., Renard, Y.},
journal = {Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena},
keywords = {fracture; finite element method; Xfem; reduced basis; error estimates; error estimates},
language = {eng},
month = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {88-105},
publisher = {EDP Sciences},
title = {A Reduced Basis Enrichment for the eXtended Finite Element Method},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/222353},
volume = {4},
year = {2009},

AU - Chahine, E.
AU - Laborde, P.
AU - Renard, Y.
TI - A Reduced Basis Enrichment for the eXtended Finite Element Method
JO - Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
DA - 2009/1//
PB - EDP Sciences
VL - 4
IS - 1
SP - 88
EP - 105
AB - This paper is devoted to the introduction of a new variant of the extended finite element method (Xfem) for the approximation of elastostatic fracture problems. This variant consists in a reduced basis strategy for the definition of the crack tip enrichment. It is particularly adapted when the asymptotic crack-tip displacement is complex or even unknown. We give a mathematical result of quasi-optimal a priori error estimate and some computational tests including a comparison with some other strategies.
LA - eng
KW - fracture; finite element method; Xfem; reduced basis; error estimates; error estimates
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/222353
ER -


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