About the linear-quadratic regulator problem under a fractional brownian perturbation

M. L. Kleptsyna; Alain Le Breton; M. Viot

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics (2003)

  • Volume: 7, page 161-170
  • ISSN: 1292-8100


In this paper we solve the basic fractional analogue of the classical linear-quadratic gaussian regulator problem in continuous time. For a completely observable controlled linear system driven by a fractional brownian motion, we describe explicitely the optimal control policy which minimizes a quadratic performance criterion.

How to cite


Kleptsyna, M. L., Breton, Alain Le, and Viot, M.. "About the linear-quadratic regulator problem under a fractional brownian perturbation." ESAIM: Probability and Statistics 7 (2003): 161-170. <http://eudml.org/doc/245312>.

abstract = {In this paper we solve the basic fractional analogue of the classical linear-quadratic gaussian regulator problem in continuous time. For a completely observable controlled linear system driven by a fractional brownian motion, we describe explicitely the optimal control policy which minimizes a quadratic performance criterion.},
author = {Kleptsyna, M. L., Breton, Alain Le, Viot, M.},
journal = {ESAIM: Probability and Statistics},
keywords = {fractional brownian motion; linear system; optimal control; quadratic payoff; fractional Brownian motion; linear-quadratic Gaussian regulator},
language = {eng},
pages = {161-170},
publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
title = {About the linear-quadratic regulator problem under a fractional brownian perturbation},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/245312},
volume = {7},
year = {2003},

AU - Kleptsyna, M. L.
AU - Breton, Alain Le
AU - Viot, M.
TI - About the linear-quadratic regulator problem under a fractional brownian perturbation
JO - ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
PY - 2003
PB - EDP-Sciences
VL - 7
SP - 161
EP - 170
AB - In this paper we solve the basic fractional analogue of the classical linear-quadratic gaussian regulator problem in continuous time. For a completely observable controlled linear system driven by a fractional brownian motion, we describe explicitely the optimal control policy which minimizes a quadratic performance criterion.
LA - eng
KW - fractional brownian motion; linear system; optimal control; quadratic payoff; fractional Brownian motion; linear-quadratic Gaussian regulator
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/245312
ER -


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Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Marina L. Kleptsyna, Alain Le Breton, Michel Viot, On the infinite time horizon linear-quadratic regulator problem under a fractional brownian perturbation
  2. Marina L. Kleptsyna, Alain Le Breton, Michel Viot, On the infinite time horizon linear-quadratic regulator problem under a fractional Brownian perturbation
  3. Marina L. Kleptsyna, Alain Le Breton, Michel Viot, Separation principle in the fractional Gaussian linear-quadratic regulator problem with partial observation

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