A numerical study on Neumann-Neumann methods for hp approximations on geometrically refined boundary layer meshes II. Three-dimensional problems

Andrea Toselli; Xavier Vasseur

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (2006)

  • Volume: 40, Issue: 1, page 99-122
  • ISSN: 0764-583X


In this paper, we present extensive numerical tests showing the performance and robustness of a Balancing Neumann-Neumann method for the solution of algebraic linear systems arising from hp finite element approximations of scalar elliptic problems on geometrically refined boundary layer meshes in three dimensions. The numerical results are in good agreement with the theoretical bound for the condition number of the preconditioned operator derived in [Toselli and Vasseur, IMA J. Numer. Anal.24 (2004) 123–156]. They confirm that the condition numbers are independent of the aspect ratio of the mesh and of potentially large jumps of the coefficients. Good results are also obtained for certain singularly perturbed problems. The condition numbers only grow polylogarithmically with the polynomial degree, as in the case of p approximations on shape-regular meshes [Pavarino, RAIRO: Modél. Math. Anal. Numér.31 (1997) 471–493]. This paper follows [Toselli and Vasseur, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.192 (2003) 4551–4579] on two dimensional problems.

How to cite


Toselli, Andrea, and Vasseur, Xavier. "A numerical study on Neumann-Neumann methods for hp approximations on geometrically refined boundary layer meshes II. Three-dimensional problems." ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 40.1 (2006): 99-122. <http://eudml.org/doc/249695>.

abstract = { In this paper, we present extensive numerical tests showing the performance and robustness of a Balancing Neumann-Neumann method for the solution of algebraic linear systems arising from hp finite element approximations of scalar elliptic problems on geometrically refined boundary layer meshes in three dimensions. The numerical results are in good agreement with the theoretical bound for the condition number of the preconditioned operator derived in [Toselli and Vasseur, IMA J. Numer. Anal.24 (2004) 123–156]. They confirm that the condition numbers are independent of the aspect ratio of the mesh and of potentially large jumps of the coefficients. Good results are also obtained for certain singularly perturbed problems. The condition numbers only grow polylogarithmically with the polynomial degree, as in the case of p approximations on shape-regular meshes [Pavarino, RAIRO: Modél. Math. Anal. Numér.31 (1997) 471–493]. This paper follows [Toselli and Vasseur, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.192 (2003) 4551–4579] on two dimensional problems. },
author = {Toselli, Andrea, Vasseur, Xavier},
journal = {ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis},
keywords = {Domain decomposition; preconditioning; hp finite elements; spectral elements; anisotropic meshes.; domain decomposition; hp finite elements; anisotropic meshes; numerical examples; singular perturbation; balancing Neumann-Neumann method; condition number; performance; robustness},
language = {eng},
month = {2},
number = {1},
pages = {99-122},
publisher = {EDP Sciences},
title = {A numerical study on Neumann-Neumann methods for hp approximations on geometrically refined boundary layer meshes II. Three-dimensional problems},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/249695},
volume = {40},
year = {2006},

AU - Toselli, Andrea
AU - Vasseur, Xavier
TI - A numerical study on Neumann-Neumann methods for hp approximations on geometrically refined boundary layer meshes II. Three-dimensional problems
JO - ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
DA - 2006/2//
PB - EDP Sciences
VL - 40
IS - 1
SP - 99
EP - 122
AB - In this paper, we present extensive numerical tests showing the performance and robustness of a Balancing Neumann-Neumann method for the solution of algebraic linear systems arising from hp finite element approximations of scalar elliptic problems on geometrically refined boundary layer meshes in three dimensions. The numerical results are in good agreement with the theoretical bound for the condition number of the preconditioned operator derived in [Toselli and Vasseur, IMA J. Numer. Anal.24 (2004) 123–156]. They confirm that the condition numbers are independent of the aspect ratio of the mesh and of potentially large jumps of the coefficients. Good results are also obtained for certain singularly perturbed problems. The condition numbers only grow polylogarithmically with the polynomial degree, as in the case of p approximations on shape-regular meshes [Pavarino, RAIRO: Modél. Math. Anal. Numér.31 (1997) 471–493]. This paper follows [Toselli and Vasseur, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.192 (2003) 4551–4579] on two dimensional problems.
LA - eng
KW - Domain decomposition; preconditioning; hp finite elements; spectral elements; anisotropic meshes.; domain decomposition; hp finite elements; anisotropic meshes; numerical examples; singular perturbation; balancing Neumann-Neumann method; condition number; performance; robustness
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/249695
ER -


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