Nature of the central singularity in Szekeres models

Pankaj Joshi; Andrzej Królak

Banach Center Publications (1997)

  • Volume: 41, Issue: 1, page 163-168
  • ISSN: 0137-6934


The occurrence and nature of the central naked singularity in aspherical Szekeres models is investigated here, and the strength of the singularity is discussed. The implications for the cosmic censorship hypothesis are considered.

How to cite


Joshi, Pankaj, and Królak, Andrzej. "Nature of the central singularity in Szekeres models." Banach Center Publications 41.1 (1997): 163-168. <>.

abstract = {The occurrence and nature of the central naked singularity in aspherical Szekeres models is investigated here, and the strength of the singularity is discussed. The implications for the cosmic censorship hypothesis are considered.},
author = {Joshi, Pankaj, Królak, Andrzej},
journal = {Banach Center Publications},
keywords = {strength of singularity; central naked singularity; aspherical Szekeres models; cosmic censorship hypothesis},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {163-168},
title = {Nature of the central singularity in Szekeres models},
url = {},
volume = {41},
year = {1997},

AU - Joshi, Pankaj
AU - Królak, Andrzej
TI - Nature of the central singularity in Szekeres models
JO - Banach Center Publications
PY - 1997
VL - 41
IS - 1
SP - 163
EP - 168
AB - The occurrence and nature of the central naked singularity in aspherical Szekeres models is investigated here, and the strength of the singularity is discussed. The implications for the cosmic censorship hypothesis are considered.
LA - eng
KW - strength of singularity; central naked singularity; aspherical Szekeres models; cosmic censorship hypothesis
UR -
ER -


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