A proximal ANLS algorithm for nonnegative tensor factorization with a periodic enhanced line search

Douglas Bunker; Lixing Han; Shu Hua Zhang

Applications of Mathematics (2013)

  • Volume: 58, Issue: 5, page 493-509
  • ISSN: 0862-7940


The Alternating Nonnegative Least Squares (ANLS) method is commonly used for solving nonnegative tensor factorization problems. In this paper, we focus on algorithmic improvement of this method. We present a Proximal ANLS (PANLS) algorithm to enforce convergence. To speed up the PANLS method, we propose to combine it with a periodic enhanced line search strategy. The resulting algorithm, PANLS/PELS, converges to a critical point of the nonnegative tensor factorization problem under mild conditions. We also provide some numerical results comparing the ANLS and PANLS/PELS methods.

How to cite


Bunker, Douglas, Han, Lixing, and Zhang, Shu Hua. "A proximal ANLS algorithm for nonnegative tensor factorization with a periodic enhanced line search." Applications of Mathematics 58.5 (2013): 493-509. <http://eudml.org/doc/260614>.

abstract = {The Alternating Nonnegative Least Squares (ANLS) method is commonly used for solving nonnegative tensor factorization problems. In this paper, we focus on algorithmic improvement of this method. We present a Proximal ANLS (PANLS) algorithm to enforce convergence. To speed up the PANLS method, we propose to combine it with a periodic enhanced line search strategy. The resulting algorithm, PANLS/PELS, converges to a critical point of the nonnegative tensor factorization problem under mild conditions. We also provide some numerical results comparing the ANLS and PANLS/PELS methods.},
author = {Bunker, Douglas, Han, Lixing, Zhang, Shu Hua},
journal = {Applications of Mathematics},
keywords = {nonnegative tensor factorization; proximal method; alternating least squares; enhanced line search; global convergence; nonnegative tensor factorization; proximal method; alternating least squares methods; enhanced line search; global convergence; numerical results},
language = {eng},
number = {5},
pages = {493-509},
publisher = {Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic},
title = {A proximal ANLS algorithm for nonnegative tensor factorization with a periodic enhanced line search},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/260614},
volume = {58},
year = {2013},

AU - Bunker, Douglas
AU - Han, Lixing
AU - Zhang, Shu Hua
TI - A proximal ANLS algorithm for nonnegative tensor factorization with a periodic enhanced line search
JO - Applications of Mathematics
PY - 2013
PB - Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
VL - 58
IS - 5
SP - 493
EP - 509
AB - The Alternating Nonnegative Least Squares (ANLS) method is commonly used for solving nonnegative tensor factorization problems. In this paper, we focus on algorithmic improvement of this method. We present a Proximal ANLS (PANLS) algorithm to enforce convergence. To speed up the PANLS method, we propose to combine it with a periodic enhanced line search strategy. The resulting algorithm, PANLS/PELS, converges to a critical point of the nonnegative tensor factorization problem under mild conditions. We also provide some numerical results comparing the ANLS and PANLS/PELS methods.
LA - eng
KW - nonnegative tensor factorization; proximal method; alternating least squares; enhanced line search; global convergence; nonnegative tensor factorization; proximal method; alternating least squares methods; enhanced line search; global convergence; numerical results
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/260614
ER -


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