Global attractivity, oscillation and Hopf bifurcation for a class of diffusive hematopoiesis models

Xiao Wang; Zhixiang Li

Open Mathematics (2007)

  • Volume: 5, Issue: 2, page 397-414
  • ISSN: 2391-5455


In this paper, we discuss the special diffusive hematopoiesis model P ( t , x ) t = Δ P ( t , x ) - γ P ( t , x ) + β P ( t - τ , x ) 1 + P n ( t - τ , x ) with Neumann boundary condition. Sufficient conditions are provided for the global attractivity and oscillation of the equilibrium for Eq. (*), by using a new theorem we stated and proved. When P(t, χ) does not depend on a spatial variable χ ∈ Ω, these results are also true and extend or complement existing results. Finally, existence and stability of the Hopf bifurcation for Eq. (*) are studied.

How to cite


Xiao Wang, and Zhixiang Li. "Global attractivity, oscillation and Hopf bifurcation for a class of diffusive hematopoiesis models." Open Mathematics 5.2 (2007): 397-414. <>.

abstract = {In this paper, we discuss the special diffusive hematopoiesis model \[\frac\{\{\partial P(t,x)\}\}\{\{\partial t\}\} = \Delta P(t,x) - \gamma P(t,x) + \frac\{\{\beta P(t - \tau ,x)\}\}\{\{1 + P^n (t - \tau ,x)\}\}\] with Neumann boundary condition. Sufficient conditions are provided for the global attractivity and oscillation of the equilibrium for Eq. (*), by using a new theorem we stated and proved. When P(t, χ) does not depend on a spatial variable χ ∈ Ω, these results are also true and extend or complement existing results. Finally, existence and stability of the Hopf bifurcation for Eq. (*) are studied.},
author = {Xiao Wang, Zhixiang Li},
journal = {Open Mathematics},
keywords = {Global attractivity; Oscillation; Hopf bifurcation; delay differential equation; Neumann boundary condition; lower-upper solution pairs},
language = {eng},
number = {2},
pages = {397-414},
title = {Global attractivity, oscillation and Hopf bifurcation for a class of diffusive hematopoiesis models},
url = {},
volume = {5},
year = {2007},

AU - Xiao Wang
AU - Zhixiang Li
TI - Global attractivity, oscillation and Hopf bifurcation for a class of diffusive hematopoiesis models
JO - Open Mathematics
PY - 2007
VL - 5
IS - 2
SP - 397
EP - 414
AB - In this paper, we discuss the special diffusive hematopoiesis model \[\frac{{\partial P(t,x)}}{{\partial t}} = \Delta P(t,x) - \gamma P(t,x) + \frac{{\beta P(t - \tau ,x)}}{{1 + P^n (t - \tau ,x)}}\] with Neumann boundary condition. Sufficient conditions are provided for the global attractivity and oscillation of the equilibrium for Eq. (*), by using a new theorem we stated and proved. When P(t, χ) does not depend on a spatial variable χ ∈ Ω, these results are also true and extend or complement existing results. Finally, existence and stability of the Hopf bifurcation for Eq. (*) are studied.
LA - eng
KW - Global attractivity; Oscillation; Hopf bifurcation; delay differential equation; Neumann boundary condition; lower-upper solution pairs
UR -
ER -


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