Log-optimal investment in the long run with proportional transaction costs when using shadow prices

Petr Dostál; Jana Klůjová

Kybernetika (2015)

  • Volume: 51, Issue: 4, page 588-628
  • ISSN: 0023-5954


We consider a non-consuming agent interested in the maximization of the long-run growth rate of a wealth process investing either in a money market and in one risky asset following a geometric Brownian motion or in futures following an arithmetic Brownian motion. The agent faces proportional transaction costs, and similarly as in [17] where the case of stock trading is considered, we show how the log-optimal optimal policies in the long run can be derived when using the technical tool of shadow prices. We also provide a brief link between technical tools used in this paper and the ones used in [14,15,17].

How to cite


Dostál, Petr, and Klůjová, Jana. "Log-optimal investment in the long run with proportional transaction costs when using shadow prices." Kybernetika 51.4 (2015): 588-628. <http://eudml.org/doc/271825>.

abstract = {We consider a non-consuming agent interested in the maximization of the long-run growth rate of a wealth process investing either in a money market and in one risky asset following a geometric Brownian motion or in futures following an arithmetic Brownian motion. The agent faces proportional transaction costs, and similarly as in [17] where the case of stock trading is considered, we show how the log-optimal optimal policies in the long run can be derived when using the technical tool of shadow prices. We also provide a brief link between technical tools used in this paper and the ones used in [14,15,17].},
author = {Dostál, Petr, Klůjová, Jana},
journal = {Kybernetika},
keywords = {proportional transaction costs; logarithmic utility; shadow prices},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {588-628},
publisher = {Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR},
title = {Log-optimal investment in the long run with proportional transaction costs when using shadow prices},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/271825},
volume = {51},
year = {2015},

AU - Dostál, Petr
AU - Klůjová, Jana
TI - Log-optimal investment in the long run with proportional transaction costs when using shadow prices
JO - Kybernetika
PY - 2015
PB - Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR
VL - 51
IS - 4
SP - 588
EP - 628
AB - We consider a non-consuming agent interested in the maximization of the long-run growth rate of a wealth process investing either in a money market and in one risky asset following a geometric Brownian motion or in futures following an arithmetic Brownian motion. The agent faces proportional transaction costs, and similarly as in [17] where the case of stock trading is considered, we show how the log-optimal optimal policies in the long run can be derived when using the technical tool of shadow prices. We also provide a brief link between technical tools used in this paper and the ones used in [14,15,17].
LA - eng
KW - proportional transaction costs; logarithmic utility; shadow prices
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/271825
ER -


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