Some issues of fuzzy querying in relational databases

Miroslav Hudec; Miljan Vučetić

Kybernetika (2015)

  • Volume: 51, Issue: 6, page 994-1022
  • ISSN: 0023-5954


Fuzzy logic has been used for flexible database querying for more than 30 years. This paper examines some of the issues of flexible querying which seem to have potential for further research and development from theoretical and practical points of view. More precisely, defining appropriate fuzzy sets for queries, calculating matching degrees for commutative and non-commutative query conditions, preferences, merging constraints and wishes, empty and overabundant answers, and views on practical realizations are discussed in this paper. Suggestions how to solve them and integrate into one compact solution are also outlined in this paper.

How to cite


Hudec, Miroslav, and Vučetić, Miljan. "Some issues of fuzzy querying in relational databases." Kybernetika 51.6 (2015): 994-1022. <>.

abstract = {Fuzzy logic has been used for flexible database querying for more than 30 years. This paper examines some of the issues of flexible querying which seem to have potential for further research and development from theoretical and practical points of view. More precisely, defining appropriate fuzzy sets for queries, calculating matching degrees for commutative and non-commutative query conditions, preferences, merging constraints and wishes, empty and overabundant answers, and views on practical realizations are discussed in this paper. Suggestions how to solve them and integrate into one compact solution are also outlined in this paper.},
author = {Hudec, Miroslav, Vučetić, Miljan},
journal = {Kybernetika},
keywords = {membership functions; aggregation functions; preferences; commutative queries; non-commutative queries; empty and overabundant answers; application},
language = {eng},
number = {6},
pages = {994-1022},
publisher = {Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR},
title = {Some issues of fuzzy querying in relational databases},
url = {},
volume = {51},
year = {2015},

AU - Hudec, Miroslav
AU - Vučetić, Miljan
TI - Some issues of fuzzy querying in relational databases
JO - Kybernetika
PY - 2015
PB - Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR
VL - 51
IS - 6
SP - 994
EP - 1022
AB - Fuzzy logic has been used for flexible database querying for more than 30 years. This paper examines some of the issues of flexible querying which seem to have potential for further research and development from theoretical and practical points of view. More precisely, defining appropriate fuzzy sets for queries, calculating matching degrees for commutative and non-commutative query conditions, preferences, merging constraints and wishes, empty and overabundant answers, and views on practical realizations are discussed in this paper. Suggestions how to solve them and integrate into one compact solution are also outlined in this paper.
LA - eng
KW - membership functions; aggregation functions; preferences; commutative queries; non-commutative queries; empty and overabundant answers; application
UR -
ER -


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