A stabilized Lagrange multiplier method for the enriched finite-element approximation of contact problems of cracked elastic bodies

Saber Amdouni; Patrick Hild; Vanessa Lleras; Maher Moakher; Yves Renard

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (2012)

  • Volume: 46, Issue: 4, page 813-839
  • ISSN: 0764-583X


The purpose of this paper is to provide a priori error estimates on the approximation of contact conditions in the framework of the eXtended Finite-Element Method (XFEM) for two dimensional elastic bodies. This method allows to perform finite-element computations on cracked domains by using meshes of the non-cracked domain. We consider a stabilized Lagrange multiplier method whose particularity is that no discrete inf-sup condition is needed in the convergence analysis. The contact condition is prescribed on the crack with a discrete multiplier which is the trace on the crack of a finite-element method on the non-cracked domain, avoiding the definition of a specific mesh of the crack. Additionally, we present numerical experiments which confirm the efficiency of the proposed method.

How to cite


Amdouni, Saber, et al. "A stabilized Lagrange multiplier method for the enriched finite-element approximation of contact problems of cracked elastic bodies." ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 46.4 (2012): 813-839. <http://eudml.org/doc/277840>.

abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to provide a priori error estimates on the approximation of contact conditions in the framework of the eXtended Finite-Element Method (XFEM) for two dimensional elastic bodies. This method allows to perform finite-element computations on cracked domains by using meshes of the non-cracked domain. We consider a stabilized Lagrange multiplier method whose particularity is that no discrete inf-sup condition is needed in the convergence analysis. The contact condition is prescribed on the crack with a discrete multiplier which is the trace on the crack of a finite-element method on the non-cracked domain, avoiding the definition of a specific mesh of the crack. Additionally, we present numerical experiments which confirm the efficiency of the proposed method.},
author = {Amdouni, Saber, Hild, Patrick, Lleras, Vanessa, Moakher, Maher, Renard, Yves},
journal = {ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis},
keywords = {Extended finite element method (Xfem); crack; unilateral contact; Signorini’s problem; extended finite element method (XFEM); Signorini's problem},
language = {eng},
month = {2},
number = {4},
pages = {813-839},
publisher = {EDP Sciences},
title = {A stabilized Lagrange multiplier method for the enriched finite-element approximation of contact problems of cracked elastic bodies},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/277840},
volume = {46},
year = {2012},

AU - Amdouni, Saber
AU - Hild, Patrick
AU - Lleras, Vanessa
AU - Moakher, Maher
AU - Renard, Yves
TI - A stabilized Lagrange multiplier method for the enriched finite-element approximation of contact problems of cracked elastic bodies
JO - ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
DA - 2012/2//
PB - EDP Sciences
VL - 46
IS - 4
SP - 813
EP - 839
AB - The purpose of this paper is to provide a priori error estimates on the approximation of contact conditions in the framework of the eXtended Finite-Element Method (XFEM) for two dimensional elastic bodies. This method allows to perform finite-element computations on cracked domains by using meshes of the non-cracked domain. We consider a stabilized Lagrange multiplier method whose particularity is that no discrete inf-sup condition is needed in the convergence analysis. The contact condition is prescribed on the crack with a discrete multiplier which is the trace on the crack of a finite-element method on the non-cracked domain, avoiding the definition of a specific mesh of the crack. Additionally, we present numerical experiments which confirm the efficiency of the proposed method.
LA - eng
KW - Extended finite element method (Xfem); crack; unilateral contact; Signorini’s problem; extended finite element method (XFEM); Signorini's problem
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/277840
ER -


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