Order of the smallest counterexample to Gallai's conjecture

Fuyuan Chen

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (2018)

  • Volume: 68, Issue: 2, page 341-369
  • ISSN: 0011-4642


In 1966, Gallai conjectured that all the longest paths of a connected graph have a common vertex. Zamfirescu conjectured that the smallest counterexample to Gallai’s conjecture is a graph on 12 vertices. We prove that Gallai’s conjecture is true for every connected graph G with α ' ( G ) 5 , which implies that Zamfirescu’s conjecture is true.

How to cite


Chen, Fuyuan. "Order of the smallest counterexample to Gallai's conjecture." Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 68.2 (2018): 341-369. <http://eudml.org/doc/294227>.

abstract = {In 1966, Gallai conjectured that all the longest paths of a connected graph have a common vertex. Zamfirescu conjectured that the smallest counterexample to Gallai’s conjecture is a graph on 12 vertices. We prove that Gallai’s conjecture is true for every connected graph $G$ with $\alpha ^\{\prime \}(G)\le 5$, which implies that Zamfirescu’s conjecture is true.},
author = {Chen, Fuyuan},
journal = {Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal},
keywords = {longest path; matching number},
language = {eng},
number = {2},
pages = {341-369},
publisher = {Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic},
title = {Order of the smallest counterexample to Gallai's conjecture},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/294227},
volume = {68},
year = {2018},

AU - Chen, Fuyuan
TI - Order of the smallest counterexample to Gallai's conjecture
JO - Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
PY - 2018
PB - Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
VL - 68
IS - 2
SP - 341
EP - 369
AB - In 1966, Gallai conjectured that all the longest paths of a connected graph have a common vertex. Zamfirescu conjectured that the smallest counterexample to Gallai’s conjecture is a graph on 12 vertices. We prove that Gallai’s conjecture is true for every connected graph $G$ with $\alpha ^{\prime }(G)\le 5$, which implies that Zamfirescu’s conjecture is true.
LA - eng
KW - longest path; matching number
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/294227
ER -


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