One-adhesive polymatroids

Laszlo Csirmaz

Kybernetika (2020)

  • Volume: 56, Issue: 5, page 886-902
  • ISSN: 0023-5954


Adhesive polymatroids were defined by F. Matúš motivated by entropy functions. Two polymatroids are adhesive if they can be glued together along their joint part in a modular way; and are one-adhesive, if one of them has a single point outside their intersection. It is shown that two polymatroids are one-adhesive if and only if two closely related polymatroids have joint extension. Using this result, adhesive polymatroid pairs on a five-element set are characterized.

How to cite


Csirmaz, Laszlo. "One-adhesive polymatroids." Kybernetika 56.5 (2020): 886-902. <>.

abstract = {Adhesive polymatroids were defined by F. Matúš motivated by entropy functions. Two polymatroids are adhesive if they can be glued together along their joint part in a modular way; and are one-adhesive, if one of them has a single point outside their intersection. It is shown that two polymatroids are one-adhesive if and only if two closely related polymatroids have joint extension. Using this result, adhesive polymatroid pairs on a five-element set are characterized.},
author = {Csirmaz, Laszlo},
journal = {Kybernetika},
keywords = {polymatroid; amalgam; adhesive polymatroid; entropy function; polyhedral cone},
language = {eng},
number = {5},
pages = {886-902},
publisher = {Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR},
title = {One-adhesive polymatroids},
url = {},
volume = {56},
year = {2020},

AU - Csirmaz, Laszlo
TI - One-adhesive polymatroids
JO - Kybernetika
PY - 2020
PB - Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR
VL - 56
IS - 5
SP - 886
EP - 902
AB - Adhesive polymatroids were defined by F. Matúš motivated by entropy functions. Two polymatroids are adhesive if they can be glued together along their joint part in a modular way; and are one-adhesive, if one of them has a single point outside their intersection. It is shown that two polymatroids are one-adhesive if and only if two closely related polymatroids have joint extension. Using this result, adhesive polymatroid pairs on a five-element set are characterized.
LA - eng
KW - polymatroid; amalgam; adhesive polymatroid; entropy function; polyhedral cone
UR -
ER -


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