Jets and the variational calculus

David J. Saunders

Communications in Mathematics (2021)

  • Issue: 1, page 91-114
  • ISSN: 1804-1388


We review the approach to the calculus of variations using Ehresmann's theory of jets. We describe different types of jet manifold, different types of variational problem and different cohomological structures associated with such problems.

How to cite


Saunders, David J.. "Jets and the variational calculus." Communications in Mathematics (2021): 91-114. <>.

abstract = {We review the approach to the calculus of variations using Ehresmann's theory of jets. We describe different types of jet manifold, different types of variational problem and different cohomological structures associated with such problems.},
author = {Saunders, David J.},
journal = {Communications in Mathematics},
keywords = {Jets; Calculus of variations},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {91-114},
publisher = {University of Ostrava},
title = {Jets and the variational calculus},
url = {},
year = {2021},

AU - Saunders, David J.
TI - Jets and the variational calculus
JO - Communications in Mathematics
PY - 2021
PB - University of Ostrava
IS - 1
SP - 91
EP - 114
AB - We review the approach to the calculus of variations using Ehresmann's theory of jets. We describe different types of jet manifold, different types of variational problem and different cohomological structures associated with such problems.
LA - eng
KW - Jets; Calculus of variations
UR -
ER -


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