On a class of variational problems defined by polynomial Lagrangians
Demeter Krupka (1976)
Archivum Mathematicum
Demeter Krupka (1976)
Archivum Mathematicum
Šeděnková, Jana
Summary: The -th order variational sequence is the quotient sequence of the De Rham sequence on the th jet prolongation of a fibered manifold, factored through its contact subsequence.In this paper, the first order variational sequence on a fibered manifold with one-dimensional base is considered. A new representation of all quotient spaces as some spaces of (global) forms is given. The factorization procedure is based on a modification of the interior Euler operator, used in the theory...
Marcella Palese (2016)
Communications in Mathematics
We will pose the inverse problem question within the Krupka variational sequence framework. In particular, the interplay of inverse problems with symmetry and invariance properties will be exploited considering that the cohomology class of the variational Lie derivative of an equivalence class of forms, closed in the variational sequence, is trivial. We will focalize on the case of symmetries of globally defined field equations which are only locally variational and prove that variations...
Śladkowska, Janina (2015-11-13T13:54:55Z)
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Mathematica
W. M. Mikulski (2009)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
We prove that the most interesting operators in the Euler-Lagrange complex from the variational bicomplex in infinite order jet spaces are determined up to multiplicative constant by the naturality requirement, provided the fibres of fibred manifolds have sufficiently large dimension. This result clarifies several important phenomena of the variational calculus on fibred manifolds.
Jan Chrastina (1994)
Mathematica Bohemica
Given a family of curves constituting the general solution of a system of ordinary differential equations, the natural question occurs whether the family is identical with the totality of all extremals of an appropriate variational problem. Assuming the regularity of the latter problem, effective approaches are available but they fail in the non-regular case. However, a rather unusual variant of the calculus of variations based on infinitely prolonged differential equations and systematic...
Václav Tryhuk, Veronika Chrastinová (2018)
Mathematica Bohemica
The Routh reduction of cyclic variables in the Lagrange function and the Jacobi-Maupertuis principle of constant energy systems are generalized. The article deals with one-dimensional variational integral subject to differential constraints, the Lagrange variational problem, that admits the Lie group of symmetries. Reduction to the orbit space is investigated in the absolute sense relieved of all accidental structures. In particular, the widest possible coordinate-free approach to the...
Jan Sokołowski (1987)
Banach Center Publications