Eighty years of Professor Štefan Schwarz

Ján Jakubík; Milan Kolibiar

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (1994)

  • Volume: 44, Issue: 1, page 182-189
  • ISSN: 0011-4642

How to cite


Jakubík, Ján, and Kolibiar, Milan. "Eighty years of Professor Štefan Schwarz." Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 44.1 (1994): 182-189. <http://eudml.org/doc/31398>.

author = {Jakubík, Ján, Kolibiar, Milan},
journal = {Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal},
keywords = {Birthday},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {182-189},
publisher = {Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic},
title = {Eighty years of Professor Štefan Schwarz},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/31398},
volume = {44},
year = {1994},

AU - Jakubík, Ján
AU - Kolibiar, Milan
TI - Eighty years of Professor Štefan Schwarz
JO - Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
PY - 1994
PB - Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
VL - 44
IS - 1
SP - 182
EP - 189
LA - eng
KW - Birthday
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/31398
ER -


  1. Pologruppy, Gosizdat fyz. mat. lit., Moskva, 1960, fourth English edition, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1978. (1960) MR0120299
  2. The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1961, 1977 (Vol. 1), 1967, 1971 (Vol. 2). (1961, 1977 (Vol. 1), 1967, 1971 (Vol. 2)) 
  3. Topological Semigroups, Math. Centrum, Amsterdam, 1964. (1964) MR0167963
  4. Boolean Matrix Theory and Applications, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1982. (1982) MR0655414
  5. Finite Fields, Adison Wesley Publ. Comp., Reading, Mass., 1983. (1983) MR0746963
  6. Introduction to Probabilistic Automata, Academic Press, New York, 1971. (1971) Zbl0234.94055MR0289222
  7. Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences, Academic Press, New York, London, 1979. (1979) MR0544666
  8. 10.1007/BF01224977, Archiv der Math. 34 (1980), 399–402. (1980) Zbl0424.15014MR0593765DOI10.1007/BF01224977
  9. On the extension of Fermat’s theorem to matrices of order n , Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 6 (1939–1941), 85–91. (1939–1941) MR0001227
  10. 10.1215/S0012-7094-48-01574-9, Duke Math. J. 15 (1948), 823–826. (1948) Zbl0032.00102MR0026672DOI10.1215/S0012-7094-48-01574-9
  11. 10.2307/3212567, J. Appl. Prob. 11 (1974), 829–835. (1974) MR0409525DOI10.2307/3212567
  12. Fixed length sources and sink of a graph, Math. Japonica 29 (1984), 411–417. (1984) MR0752239
  13. 10.1109/TIT.1986.1057152, IEEE Trans. of Inform. Theory IT-32 (1986), 285–287. (1986) MR0838417DOI10.1109/TIT.1986.1057152
  14. Seventieth anniversary of birthday of Academician Štefan Schwarz, Czechoslovak Math. J. 34(109) (1984), 410–418. (1984) MR0761431
  15. Seventy years of Academician Štefan Schwarz (in Slovak), Časopis pěst. matem. 109 (1984), 329–334. (1984) MR0755598
  16. To the seventieth birthday of Academician Štefan Schwarz (in Slovak), Math. Slovaca 34 (1984), 239–246. (1984) MR0744958
  17. On the reducibility of polynomials over an algebraic number field modulo of a prime ideal, Časopis pěst. mat. fyz. 68 (1939), 112–127. (German) (1939) 
  18. A contribution to the reducibility of a polynomial in the theory of congruences, Věstník Král. české spol. nauk 7 (1939), 1–9. (French) (1939) 
  19. On the number of roots and irreducible factors of polynomials over a finite field, Časopis pěst. mat. fyz. 69 (1949), 128–146. (French) (1949) 
  20. On a theorem of S. Lubelski, Časopis pěst. mat. fyz. 69 (1940), 147–150. (German) (1940) 
  21. A contribution to the arithmetic of finite fields, Prírodovedecká príloha Technického obzoru slovenského I (No 8) (1940), 75–82. (Slovak) (1940) 
  22. A contribution to the theory of congruences, Prírodovedecká príloha Technického obzoru slovenského II (No 8, 9) (1941), 89–92, 95–100. (Slovak) (1941) 
  23. A contribution to the theory of Galois’s fields, Prírodovedecká príloha Technického obzoru slovenského III (1942), no. 6, 1–4. (Slovak) (1942) 
  24. Theory of semigroups, Sborník prác Prírodovedeckej fakulty Slovenskej univerzity, č. VI, Bratislava, 1943, pp. 64. (Slovak) (1943) 
  25. A hypercomplex proof of the Jordan-Kronecker’s Principle of reduction, Časopis pěst. mat. fys. 71 (1946), 17–21. (1946) Zbl0060.04812MR0020077
  26. A contribution to the reducibility of binomial congruences, Časopis pěst. mat. fys. 71 (1946), 21–32. (Czech) (1946) 
  27. On the extension of the Jordan-Kronecker’s Principle of reduction for inseparable polynomials, Časopis pěst. mat. fys. 73 (1947), 61–64. (1947) Zbl0036.29902MR0022839
  28. On Waring’s Problem for finite fields, Quart. J. Math., Oxford Ser. 19 (1948), 123–128. (1948) Zbl0030.11302MR0024941
  29. On Generalization of Jordan-Kronecker’s Principle of reduction, Věstník Král. české spol. nauk, 2 (1948), 1–29. (1948) MR0026639
  30. On the equation a 1 x 1 k + + a k x k k + b = 0 in finite fields, Quart. J. Math., Oxford Ser. 19 (1948), 160–164. (1948) 
  31. A contribution to the theory of cyclic fields, Sborník prác SVŠT, Bratislava (1948), 7. (Slovak) (1948) 
  32. On the reducibility of binomial congruences an the least bound of an integer belonging to a given exponent ( m o d p ) , Časopis pěst. mat. fys., 74 (1949), 1–17. (1949) 
  33. On universal forms in finite fields, Časopis pěst. mat. fys., 75 (1950), 45–5O. (1950) MR0035306
  34. On the generalization of the notion of a group, Časopis pěst. mat. fys. 74 (1949), 95–113. (Slovak) (1949) 
  35. On equations of the form c 1 x 1 k + . . . + c s x s k = c in finite fields, Časopis pěst. mat. fys. 74 (1949), 175–176. (Slovak) (1949) 
  36. On the structure of finite semigroups without zeros, Czechoslovak Math. J. 1 (76) (1951), 51–65. (Russian) (1951) 
  37. On the structure of simple semigroups without zero, Czechoslovak Math. J. 1 (76) (1951), 41–53. (1951) Zbl0045.15608MR0048428
  38. On semigroups having a kernel, Czechoslovak Math. J. 1 (76) (1951), 259–301. (Russian) (1951) MR0051221
  39. On semigroups having a kernel, Czechoslovak Math. J. 1 (76) (1951), 229–264. (1951) MR0051221
  40. On the theory of periodic semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 3 (78) (1953), 7–21. (Russian) (1953) 
  41. On maximal ideals in the theory of semigroups I., Czechoslovak Math. J. 3 (78) (1953), 139–153. (Russian) (1953) MR0061591
  42. Maximal ideals and the structure of semigroups, Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 3 (1953), 17–39. (Slovak) (1953) MR0064784
  43. On maximal ideals in the theory of semigroups II, Czechoslovak Math. J. 3 (78) (1953), 365–383. (Russian) (1953) MR0061592
  44. The theory of characters of commutative semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 4 (79) (1954), 219–247. (Russian) (1954) Zbl0059.02003MR0069815
  45. Characters of commutative semigroups as class funcions, Czechoslovak Math. J. 4 (79) (1954), 291–295. (Russian) (1954) MR0069816
  46. On a Galois connection in the theory of characters of semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 4 (79) (1954), 296–313. (Russian) (1954) MR0069817
  47. Characters of commutative semigroups, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 1954, Vol. 1, Amsterdam 1957, p. 438. Zbl0445.20047
  48. On Hausdorff bicompact semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 5 (80) (1955), 1–23. (Russian) (1955) Zbl0068.02301MR0074769
  49. Topological semigroups with one-sided units, Czechoslovak Math. J. 5 (80) (1955), 153–163. (Russian) (1955) Zbl0068.02402MR0074771
  50. Characters of bicompact semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 5 (80) (1955), 24–28. (Russian) (1955) MR0074770
  51. A remark to the theory of bicompact semigroups, Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 5 (1955), 86–89. (Slovak) (1955) MR0077872
  52. On magnifying elements in the theory of semigroups, Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 102 (1955), no. 4, 697–698. (Russian) (1955) MR0071710
  53. On a type of universal forms in discretely valued fields, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) XVII (1956), no. 1–2, 5–29. (1956) Zbl0072.03504MR0081918
  54. The theory of characters of commutative Hausdorff bicompact semigroups, Czechoslovak Math.J. 6 (81) (1956), 330–364. (1956) MR0092098
  55. Once more on quadratic polynomials with prime values, Časopis pěst. mat. 81 (1956), 241–243 (with J. Mařík). (Czech) (1956) 
  56. 10.1093/qmath/7.1.110, Quart J. Math., Oxford Ser. 7 (1956), 110–124. (1956) Zbl0071.01703MR0096679DOI10.1093/qmath/7.1.110
  57. Semigroups satisfying some weakened forms of the cancellation laws, Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 6 (1956), 149–158. (Slovak) (1956) MR0091281
  58. On the existence of invariant measures on certain types of bicompact semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 7 (82) (1957), 165–182. (Russian) (1957) MR0089364
  59. On the structure of the semigroup of measures on finite semigroups, Czechoslovak Math.J. 7 (82) (1957), 358–373. (1957) MR0095215
  60. An elementary semigroup theorem and congruence relation of Rédei, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) XIX (1958), no. 1–2, 1–4. (1958) 
  61. On the multiplicative semigroup of conguence classes ( m o d m ) , Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 8 (1958), 136–150 (with B. Parízek). (Slovak) (1958) MR0103938
  62. Remarks on compact semigroups, Colloq. Math. (Wroclaw) VI (1958), 265–270 (with J. Los). (1958) Zbl0086.02203MR0100649
  63. On totally noncommutative semigroups, Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 9 (1959), 92–100 (with D. Krajňáková). (Russian) (1959) MR0123629
  64. On dual semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 10 (85) (1960), 201–230. (1960) Zbl0098.01602MR0117294
  65. A theorem on normal semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 10 (85) (1960), 197–200. (1960) Zbl0098.01704MR0116075
  66. Semigroups, in which every proper subideal is a group, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) XXI (1960), no. 3–4, 125–134. (1960) Zbl0095.01406MR0130922
  67. On a class of polynomials over a finite field, Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 10 (1960), 68–80. (Russian) (1960) Zbl0104.01603MR0130245
  68. On the number of irreducible factors of a polynomial over a finite field, Czechoslovak Math. J. 11 (86) (1961), 213–225. (Russian) (1961) Zbl0102.25303MR0123558
  69. Semicharacters of the multiplicative semigroup of integers modulo m , Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 11 (1961), 63–74 (with B. Parízek). (1961) MR0139682
  70. Subsemigroups of simple semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 13 (88) (1963), 226–239. (1963) Zbl0122.02402MR0158014
  71. Probabilities on non-commutative semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 13 (88) (1963), 372–426. (1963) Zbl0137.35302MR0160191
  72. Probability measures on non-commutative semigroups, General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra, Proceedings of the Symposium held in Prague in September 1961, pp. 312–315. Zbl0118.11601
  73. Cyclic matrices and algebraic equations over a finite field., Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 12 (1962), 38–48 (with K. Horáková). (Russian) (1962) Zbl0108.01502MR0159814
  74. A remark on algebraic equations over a finite field, Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 12 (1962), 224–229. (Russian) (1962) MR0157963
  75. Convolution semigroup of measures on compact non-commutative semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 14 (89) (1964), 95–115. (1964) MR0169969
  76. Product decomposition of idempotent measures on compact semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 14 (89) (1964), 121–124. (1964) Zbl0151.18902MR0169970
  77. Homomorphisms of completely simple semigroups onto a group, Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 12 (1962), 293–300. (1962) MR0158942
  78. On a system of congruences. A remark on the preceding paper of J. Sedláček, Mat.-fyz. čas. Slovenskej akad. vied 13 (1963), 103–104. (Slovak) (1963) MR0157931
  79. A semigroup treatment of some theorems on non-negative matrices, Czechoslovak Math. J. 15 (90) (1965), 212–229. (1965) Zbl0232.20139MR0175919
  80. On the structure of the semigroup of stochastic matrices, Publ. of the Math. Inst. Hungarian Acad. Vol. IX, Series A, Fasc. 3, (1965), 297–311. (1965) MR0188337
  81. On powers of non-negative matrices, Mat.-fyz. časopis Slovenskej akad. vied 15 (1965), 215–228. (1965) Zbl0158.28302MR0191987
  82. A remark to the theory of non-negative matrices, Sibir. Math. J. 6 (1965), 207–211. (Russian) (1965) MR0171791
  83. A new approach to some problems in the theory of non-negative matrices, Czechoslovak Math. J. 16 (91) (1966), 274–284. (1966) Zbl0232.20140MR0201452
  84. New kinds of theorems on non-negative matrices, Czechoslovak Math.J. 16 (91) (1966), 285–295. (1966) MR0201453
  85. Some estimates in the theory of non-negative matrices, Czechoslovak Math. J. 17 (92) (1967), 399–407. (1967) Zbl0159.32603MR0217101
  86. A note on the structure of the semigroup of doubly stochastic matrices, Mat. čas. 16 (1967), 308–316. (1967) Zbl0157.04902MR0241451
  87. On the index of imprimitivity of a non-negative matrix, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 28 (1967), 185–189. (1967) Zbl0232.15004MR0214610
  88. Algebraic considerations on powers of stochastic matrices, Mat. čas. 18 (1968), 218–228. (1968) Zbl0176.30506MR0245605
  89. Prime ideals and maximal ideals in semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 19 (94) (1969), 72–79. (1969) Zbl0176.29503MR0237680
  90. On the semigroup of binary relations on a finite set, Czechoslovak Math. J. 20 (95) (1970), 632–679. (1970) Zbl0228.20034MR0296190
  91. On a sharp estimate in the theory of binary relations on a finite set, Czechoslovak Math. J. 20 (95) (1970), 703–714. (1970) MR0282862
  92. On idempotent relations on a finite set, Czechoslovak Math. J. 20 (95) (1970), 696–702. (1970) MR0268047
  93. 10.1007/BF02572281, Semigroup Forum 2 (1971), 90–92. (1971) Zbl0232.20117MR0281819DOI10.1007/BF02572281
  94. On the structure of dual semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 21 (96) (1971), 461–483. (1971) Zbl0232.20116MR0292982
  95. The semigroup of fully indecomposable relations and Hall relations, Czechoslovak Math. J. 23 (98) (1973), 151–163. (1973) Zbl0261.20057MR0316612
  96. A note on small categories with zero, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 35 (1973), 161–164. (1973) Zbl0273.20048MR0330334
  97. Summs of powers of binary relations, Mat. čas. 24 (1974), 161–171. (Russian) (1974) MR0363909
  98. Circulant Boolean relation matrices, Czechoslovak Math. J. 24 (99) (1974), 252–253. (1974) Zbl0329.20049MR0348018
  99. The ideal structure of C -semigroups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 27 (102) 1977), 313–338. (102) 1977) MR0439961
  100. The semigroup of circulant Boolean matrices, Czechoslovak Math. J. 26 (101) 1976), 632–635 (with Kim H. Butler). (101) 1976) MR0430121
  101. A counting theorem in the semigroup of circulant Boolean matrices, Czechoslovak Math. J. 27 (102) 1977), 504–510. (102) 1977) MR0457603
  102. Semigroups containing maximal ideals, Math. Slovaca 28 (1978), 157–168. (1978) Zbl0378.20047MR0526854
  103. 10.1007/BF02195942, Semigroup Forum 12 (1976), 367–372. (1976) Zbl0337.20025MR0414760DOI10.1007/BF02195942
  104. 10.1007/BF02194330, Semigroup Forum 17 (1979), 307–316. (1979) Zbl0425.20053MR0532422DOI10.1007/BF02194330
  105. The Euler-Fermat Theorem for the semigroup of circulant Boolean matrices, Czechoslovak Math. J. 30 (105) 1980), 135–141. (105) 1980) MR0565916
  106. Infinite products on doubly stochastic matrices, Acta Math. Univ. Comenian. 39 (1980), 131–150. (1980) MR0619269
  107. The role of semigroups in the elementary theory of numbers, Math. Slovaca 31 (1981), 369–395. (1981) Zbl0474.10002MR0637966
  108. An unconventional problem in the elementary theory of numbers, Czechoslovak Math. J. 31 (106) 1981), 159–169. (106) 1981) MR0604122
  109. Extensions of Bauer’s identical congruences, Math. Slovaca 33 (1983), 209–224. (1983) Zbl0519.10003MR0699091
  110. Common consequents in directed graphs, Czechoslovak Math. J. 35 (110) (1985), 212–247. (1985) Zbl0575.05041MR0787126
  111. Fermat’s Theorem for matrices revisited, Math. Slovaca 35 (1985), 343–347. (1985) Zbl0584.15007MR0820630
  112. Right compositions of semigroups, Math. Slovaca 36 (1988), 3–14. (1988) MR0832365
  113. A combinatorial problem arising in finite Markov chains, Math. Slovaca 36 (1986), 199–210. (1986) Zbl0615.15006MR0849711
  114. Semigroups with a universally minimal left ideal, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 52 (1988), 21–28. (1988) Zbl0662.20046
  115. Construction of normal bases in cyclic extensions of a field, Czechoslovak Math. J. 38 (113 1988), 291–312. (113 1988) MR0946299
  116. Irreducible polynomials over finite field with linearly independent roots, Math. Slovaca 38 (1988), 147–158. (1988) MR0945368
  117. Powers of subsets of finite semigroups, (to appear). (to appear) 
  118. On equations, 1st ed., Prague, 1940, pp. 96. (Czech) (1940) 
  119. On equations, 3rd ed., Prague, 1947, pp. 160. (Czech) (1947) 
  120. Algebraic numbers, Přírodovědecké nakl., Prague, 1950, pp. 292. (Slovak) (1950) Zbl0041.01105
  121. The theory of solutions of equations, Nakl. ČSAV, Prague, 1958, pp. 348. (Slovak) (1958) 
  122. The theory of solutions of equations, Vydavatelstvo SAV, 1st ed., Bratislava, 1967, 1968, pp. 440, 2nd ed., Bratislava456. (Slovak) (1968) Zbl0186.16004

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