Openly factorizable spaces and compact extensions of topological semigroups

Taras O. Banakh; Svetlana Dimitrova

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae (2010)

  • Volume: 51, Issue: 1, page 113-131
  • ISSN: 0010-2628


We prove that the semigroup operation of a topological semigroup S extends to a continuous semigroup operation on its Stone-Čech compactification β S provided S is a pseudocompact openly factorizable space, which means that each map f : S Y to a second countable space Y can be written as the composition f = g p of an open map p : X Z onto a second countable space Z and a map g : Z Y . We present a spectral characterization of openly factorizable spaces and establish some properties of such spaces.

How to cite


Banakh, Taras O., and Dimitrova, Svetlana. "Openly factorizable spaces and compact extensions of topological semigroups." Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 51.1 (2010): 113-131. <>.

abstract = {We prove that the semigroup operation of a topological semigroup $S$ extends to a continuous semigroup operation on its Stone-Čech compactification $\beta S$ provided $S$ is a pseudocompact openly factorizable space, which means that each map $f:S\rightarrow Y$ to a second countable space $Y$ can be written as the composition $f=g\circ p$ of an open map $p:X\rightarrow Z$ onto a second countable space $Z$ and a map $g:Z\rightarrow Y$. We present a spectral characterization of openly factorizable spaces and establish some properties of such spaces.},
author = {Banakh, Taras O., Dimitrova, Svetlana},
journal = {Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae},
keywords = {topological semigroup; semigroup compactification; inverse spectrum; pseudocompact space; openly factorizable space; openly generated space; Eberlein compact; Corson compact; Valdivia compact; topological semigroup; extension of operation to compactification},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {113-131},
publisher = {Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics},
title = {Openly factorizable spaces and compact extensions of topological semigroups},
url = {},
volume = {51},
year = {2010},

AU - Banakh, Taras O.
AU - Dimitrova, Svetlana
TI - Openly factorizable spaces and compact extensions of topological semigroups
JO - Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
PY - 2010
PB - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
VL - 51
IS - 1
SP - 113
EP - 131
AB - We prove that the semigroup operation of a topological semigroup $S$ extends to a continuous semigroup operation on its Stone-Čech compactification $\beta S$ provided $S$ is a pseudocompact openly factorizable space, which means that each map $f:S\rightarrow Y$ to a second countable space $Y$ can be written as the composition $f=g\circ p$ of an open map $p:X\rightarrow Z$ onto a second countable space $Z$ and a map $g:Z\rightarrow Y$. We present a spectral characterization of openly factorizable spaces and establish some properties of such spaces.
LA - eng
KW - topological semigroup; semigroup compactification; inverse spectrum; pseudocompact space; openly factorizable space; openly generated space; Eberlein compact; Corson compact; Valdivia compact; topological semigroup; extension of operation to compactification
UR -
ER -


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