Positive quadratic differential forms : linearization, finite determinacy and versal unfolding

Carlos Gutierrez; Victor Guíñez

Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques (1996)

  • Volume: 5, Issue: 4, page 661-690
  • ISSN: 0240-2963

How to cite


Gutierrez, Carlos, and Guíñez, Victor. "Positive quadratic differential forms : linearization, finite determinacy and versal unfolding." Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques 5.4 (1996): 661-690. <http://eudml.org/doc/73399>.

author = {Gutierrez, Carlos, Guíñez, Victor},
journal = {Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques},
keywords = {singularity; finite determinacy; versal unfolding; positive quadratic form},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {661-690},
title = {Positive quadratic differential forms : linearization, finite determinacy and versal unfolding},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/73399},
volume = {5},
year = {1996},

AU - Gutierrez, Carlos
AU - Guíñez, Victor
TI - Positive quadratic differential forms : linearization, finite determinacy and versal unfolding
JO - Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques
PY - 1996
VL - 5
IS - 4
SP - 661
EP - 690
LA - eng
KW - singularity; finite determinacy; versal unfolding; positive quadratic form
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/73399
ER -


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