Torsion algebraic cycles and a theorem of Roitman
Compositio Mathematica (1979)
- Volume: 39, Issue: 1, page 107-127
- ISSN: 0010-437X
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topHow to cite
top- [1] S. Bloch and J. Murre: On the Chow groups of certain Fano three-folds (to appear). Zbl0426.14018
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- [4] P. Deligne: Cohomologie Étale SGA41/2, Lecture Notes in Math.569, Springer Verlag (1977). Zbl0349.14008MR463174
- [5] P. Griffiths: Some results on algebraic cycles on algebraic manifolds, Algebraic Geometry, Bombay Colloquium, Oxford University Press, 1969. Zbl0206.49803MR257092
- [6] D. Quillen: Higher algebraic K-theory I, Proceedings of the Seattle Conference on K-theory, Lecture Notes in Math.346, Springer Verlag. MR338129
- [7] A.A. Roitman: Private correspondence.
- [8] P. Samuel: Relations d'équivalence en géométrie algébrique, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Cambridge, 470-487 (1958). Zbl0119.36901MR116010
- [9] P. Deligne and N. Katz: SGA7, Lecture Notes in Math.349, Springer Verlag (1973). MR349635
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