Bounded holomorphic mappings and the compact approximation property in Banach spaces.
When U is the open unit ball of a separable Banach space E, we show that , the predual of the space of bounded holomorphic mappings on U, has the bounded approximation property if and only if E has the bounded approximation property.
In this article we examine necessary and sufficient conditions for the predual of the space of holomorphic mappings of bounded type, G(U), to have the approximation property and the compact approximation property and we consider when the predual of the space of holomorphic mappings, G(U), has the compact approximation property. We obtain also similar results for the preduals of spaces of m-homogeneous polynomials, Q(E).
We show that a Banach space has the weakly compact approximation property if and only if each continuous Banach-valued polynomial on can be uniformly approximated on compact sets by homogeneous polynomials which are members of the ideal of homogeneous polynomials generated by weakly compact linear operators. An analogous result is established also for the compact approximation property.
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