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On a Model of Leukemia Development with a Spatial Cell Distribution

A. DucrotV. Volpert — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper we propose a mathematical model to describe the evolution of leukemia in the bone marrow. The model is based on a reaction-diffusion system of equations in a porous medium. We show the existence of two stationary solutions, one of them corresponds to the normal case and another one to the pathological case. The leukemic state appears as a result of a bifurcation when the normal state loses its stability. The critical conditions of leukemia development are determined by the proliferation...

Competition of Species with Intra-Specific Competition

N. ApreuteseiA. DucrotV. Volpert — 2008

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Intra-specific competition in population dynamics can be described by integro-differential equations where the integral term corresponds to nonlocal consumption of resources by individuals of the same population. Already the single integro-differential equation can show the emergence of nonhomogeneous in space stationary structures and can be used to model the process of speciation, in particular, the emergence of biological species during evolution [S. Genieys et al., Math. Model. Nat. Phenom....

On the Dynamics of an Impulsive Model of Hematopoiesis

C. KouM. AdimyA. Ducrot — 2009

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We propose and analyze a nonlinear mathematical model of hematopoiesis, describing the dynamics of stem cell population subject to impulsive perturbations. This is a system of two age-structured partial differential equations with impulses. By integrating these equations over the age, we obtain a system of two nonlinear impulsive differential equations with several discrete delays. This system describes the evolution of the total hematopoietic stem cell populations with impulses. We first examine...

Singular Perturbation Analysis of Travelling Waves for a Model in Phytopathology

J. B. BurieA. CalonnecA. Ducrot — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We investigate the structure of travelling waves for a model of a fungal disease propagating over a vineyard. This model is based on a set of ODEs of the SIR-type coupled with two reaction-diffusion equations describing the dispersal of the spores produced by the fungus inside and over the vineyard. An estimate of the biological parameters in the model suggests to use a singular perturbation analysis. It allows us to compute the speed and the profile of the travelling waves. The analytical results...

Convective Instability of Reaction Fronts in Porous Media

K. AllaliA. DucrotA. TaikV. Volpert — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We study the influence of natural convection on stability of reaction fronts in porous media. The model consists of the heat equation, of the equation for the depth of conversion and of the equations of motion under the Darcy law. Linear stability analysis of the problem is fulfilled, the stability boundary is found. Direct numerical simulations are performed and compared with the linear stability analysis.

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