Metodo di assiomatizzazione in senso stretto della meccanica classica. Applicazione di esso ad alcuni problemi di assiomatizzazione non ancora completamente risolti
(i) The class of the axiomatic foundations mentioned in the title is called Ax Found; and its structure is treated in the introduction. (ii) This consists of Parts A to G followed by the References. (iii) In [17] Bressan's modal logic is treated in a consciously non-rigorous way. Instead here, as well as Ax Found, it has a rigorous treatment. Such a treatment had been appreciated by the mathematical physicist C. Truesdell in [62]. (iv) In 1953 Truesdell had a remarkable...
See Summary in Note I. First, on the basis of some results in [2] or [5]-such as Lemmas 8.1 and 10.1-the general (mathematical) theorems on controllizability proved in Note I are quickly applied to (mechanic) Lagrangian systems. Second, in case , and satisfy conditions (11.7) when is a polynomial in , conditions (C)-i.e. (11.8) and (11.7) with -are proved to be necessary for treating satisfactorily 's hyper-impulsive motions (in which positions can suffer first order discontinuities)....
In applying control (or feedback) theory to (mechanic) Lagrangian systems, so far forces have been generally used as values of the control . However these values are those of a Lagrangian co-ordinate in various interesting problems with a scalar control , where this control is carried out physically by adding some frictionless constraints. This pushed the author to consider a typical Lagrangian system , referred to a system of Lagrangian co-ordinates, and to try and write some handy conditions,...
Si considerano due spazi e , Riemanniani e a metrica eventualmente indefinita, riferiti a sistemi di co-ordinate e ; e inoltre un doppio tensore associato ai punti e . Si pensa dato da una funzione di altri tali doppi tensori e di variabili puntuali , e ; poi si considera la funzione composta Nella Parte I si scrivono due regole per eseguire la derivazione totale di questa, connessa con una mappa fra e ; una è a termini generalmente non covarianti e l'altra...
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