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On the cardinality of Hausdorff spaces and Pol-Šapirovskii technique

Alejandro Ramírez-Páramo — 2005

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we make use of the Pol-Šapirovskii technique to prove three cardinal inequalities. The first two results are due to Fedeli [2] and the third theorem of this paper is a common generalization to: (a) (Arhangel’skii [1]) If X is a T 1 space such that (i) L ( X ) t ( X ) κ , (ii) ψ ( X ) 2 κ , and (iii) for all A [ X ] 2 κ , A ¯ 2 κ , then | X | 2 κ ; and (b) (Fedeli [2]) If X is a T 2 -space then | X | 2 aql ( X ) t ( X ) ψ c ( X ) .

A generalization of a generic theorem in the theory of cardinal invariants of topological spaces

Alejandro Ramírez-PáramoNoé Trinidad Tapia-Bonilla — 2007

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The main goal of this paper is to establish a technical result, which provides an algorithm to prove several cardinal inequalities and relative versions of cardinal inequalities related to the well-known Arhangel’skii’s inequality: If X is a T 2 -space, then | X | 2 L ( X ) χ ( X ) . Moreover, we will show relative versions of three well-known cardinal inequalities.

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