A generic theorem in cardinal function inequalities
We establish a general technical result, which provides an algorithm to prove cardinal inequalities and relative versions of cardinal inequalities.
We establish a general technical result, which provides an algorithm to prove cardinal inequalities and relative versions of cardinal inequalities.
We use the Hausdorff pseudocharacter to bound the cardinality and the Lindelöf degree of κ-Lindelöf Hausdorff spaces.
In this paper we make use of the Pol-Šapirovskii technique to prove three cardinal inequalities. The first two results are due to Fedeli [2] and the third theorem of this paper is a common generalization to: (a) (Arhangel’skii [1]) If is a space such that (i) , (ii) , and (iii) for all , , then ; and (b) (Fedeli [2]) If is a -space then .
The main goal of this paper is to establish a technical result, which provides an algorithm to prove several cardinal inequalities and relative versions of cardinal inequalities related to the well-known Arhangel’skii’s inequality: If is a -space, then . Moreover, we will show relative versions of three well-known cardinal inequalities.
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