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On atomic ideals in some factor rings of C ( X , )

Alireza Olfati — 2021

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A nonzero R -module M is atomic if for each two nonzero elements a , b in M , both cyclic submodules R a and R b have nonzero isomorphic submodules. In this article it is shown that for an infinite P -space X , the factor rings C ( X , ) / C F ( X , ) and C c ( X ) / C F ( X ) have no atomic ideals. This fact generalizes a result published in paper by A. Mozaffarikhah, E. Momtahan, A. R. Olfati and S. Safaeeyan (2020), which says that for an infinite set X , the factor ring X / ( X ) has no atomic ideal. Another result is that for each infinite P -space X , the...

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