We prove an existence theorem of Cauchy-Kovalevskaya type for the equation
where f is a polynomial with respect to the last k variables.
We answer some questions concerning Perron and Kamke comparison functions satisfying the Carathéodory condition. In particular, we show that a Perron function multiplied by a constant may not be a Perron function, and that not every comparison function is bounded by a comparison function with separated variables. Moreover, we investigate when a sum of Perron functions is a Perron function. We also present a criterion for comparison functions with separated variables.
It is proved that nonincreasing and satisfying the Volterra condition right-hand side of a functional differential equation does not guarantee the uniqueness of solutions.
We obtain existence of absolutely continuous extremal solutions of the problem , , and the Darboux problem for , where and are arbitrary continuous deviated arguments.
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