We show global existence for a class of models of fluids that change their properties depending on the concentration of a chemical. We allow that the stress tensor in (t, x) depends on the velocity and concentration at other points and times. The example we have in mind foremost are materials with memory.
In the first note we show for a strongly continuous family of operators that if every orbit is differentiable for , then all orbits are differentiable for with independent of . In the second note we give an example of an eventually differentiable semigroup which is not differentiable on the same interval in the operator norm topology.
We present two sufficient conditions for nonconvolution kernels to be of positive type. We apply the results to obtain stability for one-dimensional models of chemically reacting viscoelastic materials.
In this paper we consider a model of a one-dimensional body where strain depends on the history of stress. We show local existence for large data and global existence for small data of classical solutions and convergence of the displacement, strain and stress to zero for time going to infinity.
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