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Currently displaying 1 – 15 of 15

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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Combinatorial optimization in DNA mapping — A computational thread of the simplified partial digest problem

Jacek BlazewiczMarta Kasprzak — 2005

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

In the paper, the problem of the genome mapping of DNA molecules, is presented. In particular, the new approach — the Simplified Partial Digest Problem (SPDP), is analyzed. This approach, although easy in laboratory implementation and robust with respect to measurement errors, when formulated in terms of a combinatorial search problem, is proved to be strongly NP-hard for the general error-free case. For a subproblem of the SPDP, a simple O( n log n )-time algorithm is given, where n is a number of restriction...

Scheduling jobs in open shops with limited machine availability

Jacek BłażewiczPiotr Formanowicz — 2002

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

In this paper, open shop scheduling problems with limited machine availability are studied. Such a limited availability of machines may appear in many real-life situations, e.g. as preventive maintenance activities. Three types of jobs are distinguished: non-preemptable, resumable and preemptable. An operation of a resumable job if not completed before a non-availability period of a machine may be suspended and continued without additional cost when the machine becomes available. In the paper, results...

Combinatorial optimization in DNA mapping — a computational thread of the Simplified Partial Digest Problem

Jacek BlazewiczMarta Kasprzak — 2006

RAIRO - Operations Research

In the paper, the problem of the genome mapping of DNA molecules, is presented. In particular, the new approach — the Simplified Partial Digest Problem (SPDP), is analyzed. This approach, although easy in laboratory implementation and robust with respect to measurement errors, when formulated in terms of a combinatorial search problem, is proved to be strongly NP-hard for the general error-free case. For a subproblem of the SPDP, a simple O(log)-time algorithm is given, where is a number of restriction...

Scheduling jobs in open shops with limited machine availability

Jacek BłażewiczPiotr Formanowicz — 2010

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this paper, open shop scheduling problems with limited machine availability are studied. Such a limited availability of machines may appear in many real-life situations, as preventive maintenance activities. Three types of jobs are distinguished: non-preemptable, resumable and preemptable. An operation of a resumable job if not completed before a non-availability period of a machine may be suspended and continued without additional cost when the machine becomes available. In the paper, results...

Scheduling multiprocessor tasks on two parallel processors

Jacek BłażewiczPaolo Dell'OlmoMaciej Drozdowski — 2002

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

In this work scheduling multiprocessor tasks on two parallel identical processors is considered. Multiprocessor tasks can be executed by more than one processor at the same moment of time. We analyze scheduling unit execution time and preemptable tasks to minimize schedule length and maximum lateness. Cases with ready times, due-dates and precedence constraints are discussed.

Some remarks on evaluating the quality of the multiple sequence alignment based on the BALiBASE benchmark

Jacek BłażewiczPiotr FormanowiczPaweł Wojciechowski — 2009

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

BAliBASE is one of the most widely used benchmarks for multiple sequence alignment programs. The accuracy of alignment methods is measured by bali score-an application provided together with the database. The standard accuracy measures are the Sum of Pairs (SP) and the Total Column (TC). We have found that, for non-core block columns, results calculated by bali score are different from those obtained on the basis of the formal definitions of the measures. We do not claim that one of these measures...

Scheduling multiprocessor tasks on two parallel processors

Jacek BłażewiczPaolo Dell'OlmoMaciej Drozdowski — 2010

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this work scheduling multiprocessor tasks on two parallel identical processors is considered. Multiprocessor tasks can be executed by more than one processor at the same moment of time. We analyze scheduling unit execution time and preemptable tasks to minimize schedule length and maximum lateness. Cases with ready times, due-dates and precedence constraints are discussed.

The Orderly Colored Longest Path Problem – a survey of applications and new algorithms

Marta SzachniukMaria Cristina De ColaGiovanni FeliciJacek Blazewicz — 2014

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

A concept of an Orderly Colored Longest Path (OCLP) refers to the problem of finding the longest path in a graph whose edges are colored with a given number of colors, under the constraint that the path follows a predefined order of colors. The problem has not been widely studied in the previous literature, especially for more than two colors in the color arrangement sequence. The recent and relevant application of OCLP is related to the interpretation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments for...

New algorithms for coupled tasks scheduling – a survey

Jacek BlazewiczGrzegorz PawlakMichal TanasWojciech Wojciechowicz — 2012

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

The coupled tasks scheduling problem is a class of scheduling problems introduced for beam steering software of sophisticated radar devices, called phased arrays. Due to increasing popularity of such radars, the importance of coupled tasks scheduling is constantly growing. Unfortunately, most of the coupled tasks problems are NP-hard, and only a few practically usable algorithms for such problems were found. This paper provides a survey of already known complexity results of various variants of...

Genetic and Tabu search algorithms for peptide assembly problem

Jacek BłażewiczMarcin BorowskiPiotr FormanowiczTomasz Głowacki — 2010

RAIRO - Operations Research

Determining amino acid sequences of protein molecules is one of the most important issues in molecular biology. These sequences determine protein structure and functionality. Unfortunately, direct biochemical methods for reading amino acid sequences can be used for reading short sequences only. This is the reason, which makes peptide assembly algorithms an important complement of these methods. In this paper, a genetic algorithm solving the problem of short amino acid sequence assembly is presented....

Internet shopping optimization problem

Jacek BłażewiczMikhail Y. KovalyovJędrzej MusiałAndrzej P. UrbańskiAdam Wojciechowski — 2010

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A high number of Internet shops makes it difficult for a customer to review manually all the available offers and select optimal outlets for shopping. A partial solution to the problem is brought by price comparators which produce price rankings from collected offers. However, their possibilities are limited to a comparison of offers for a single product requested by the customer. The issue we investigate in this paper is a multiple-item multiple-shop optimization problem, in which total expenses...

Building the library of RNA 3D nucleotide conformations using the clustering approach

Tomasz ZokMaciej AntczakMartin RiedelDavid NebelThomas VillmannPiotr LukasiakJacek BlazewiczMarta Szachniuk — 2015

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

An increasing number of known RNA 3D structures contributes to the recognition of various RNA families and identification of their features. These tasks are based on an analysis of RNA conformations conducted at different levels of detail. On the other hand, the knowledge of native nucleotide conformations is crucial for structure prediction and understanding of RNA folding. However, this knowledge is stored in structural databases in a rather distributed form. Therefore, only automated methods...

Exact and heuristic approaches to solve the Internet shopping optimization problem with delivery costs

Mario C. Lopez-LocesJedrzej MusialJohnatan E. PeceroHector J. Fraire-HuacujaJacek BlazewiczPascal Bouvry — 2016

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Internet shopping has been one of the most common online activities, carried out by millions of users every day. As the number of available offers grows, the difficulty in getting the best one among all the shops increases as well. In this paper we propose an integer linear programming (ILP) model and two heuristic solutions, the MinMin algorithm and the cellular processing algorithm, to tackle the Internet shopping optimization problem with delivery costs. The obtained results improve those achieved...

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