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On proper discs in complex manifolds

Barbara Drinovec Drnovšek — 2007

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a complex manifold of dimension at least 2 which has an exhaustion function whose Levi form has at each point at least 2 strictly positive eigenvalues. We construct proper holomorphic discs in X through any given point and in any given direction.

Disc functionals and Siciak-Zaharyuta extremal functions on singular varieties

Barbara Drinovec DrnovšekFranc Forstnerič — 2012

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We establish plurisubharmonicity of envelopes of certain classical disc functionals on locally irreducible complex spaces, thereby generalizing the corresponding results for complex manifolds. We also find new formulae expressing the Siciak-Zaharyuta extremal function of an open set in a locally irreducible affine algebraic variety as the envelope of certain disc functionals, similarly to what has been done for open sets in ℂⁿ by Lempert and by Lárusson and Sigurdsson.

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