In [
(2005)], David suggested the existence of a new type of global minimizers for the Mumford-Shah functional in . The singular set of such a new minimizer belongs to a three parameters family of sets .
We first derive necessary conditions satisfied by global minimizers of this family. Then we are led to study the first eigenvectors of the Laplace-Beltrami operator with Neumann boundary conditions on subdomains of with three reentrant corners. The necessary conditions are...
We build corotational symmetric solutions to the harmonic map flow from the unit disc into the unit sphere which have constant degree. First, we prove the existence of such solutions, using a time semi-discrete scheme based on the idea that the harmonic map flow is the -gradient of the relaxed Dirichlet energy. We prove a partial uniqueness result concerning these solutions. Then, we compute numerically these solutions by a moving-mesh method which allows us to deal with the singularity at the...
We build corotational symmetric solutions to the harmonic map flow from the unit disc into the unit sphere which have constant degree. First, we prove the existence of such solutions, using a time semi-discrete scheme based on the idea that the harmonic map flow is the L-gradient of the relaxed Dirichlet energy. We prove a partial uniqueness result concerning these solutions. Then, we compute numerically these solutions by a moving-mesh method which allows us to deal with the singularity at the...
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