The article contains no abstract
The article contains no abstract
The article contains no abstract
Przypadająca na rok 2006 konferencja Międzynarodowej Komisji do Spraw Studiowania i Ulepszania Nauczania Matematyki - CIEAEM 58, odbyła się w dniach 9-15 lipca w Srni - małej miejscowości położonej na terenie uroczego czeskiego Parku Narodowego - Sumava.
In this paper, we identify the phenomenon of false conviction. Weanalyze the definition of false conviction and provide the typology of falseconvictions, including their logical, geometric, cognitive and methodologicaltypes. Every type of false conviction is exemplified by empirical data.
W zacisznie położonej węgierskiej miejscowości Dobogóko w dniach 23-29 lipca 2007 roku odbyła się 59. konferencja Międzynarodowej Komisji do Spraw Studiowania i Ulepszania Nauczania Matematyki - CIEAEM.
In the training process of students – future teachers of mathematics, an important role is played by, among others, participation in the diploma seminar, during which the student (being at the final stage of studies)is tasked with preparing a bachelor’s or master’s thesis. This dissertation may be purely mathematical in nature or refer to problems in didactics of mathematics. The article aims to develop and illustrate some thoughts from previous works of the authors (Zaręba, 2009; Major, Olik-Pawlik,...
The paper presents the comments relating to the role of tasks in theprocess of teaching and learning of mathematics in the context of educationof students studying to become teachers. In the considerations part, referencewas made to the fragments of undergraduate and postgraduate works, madeat seminars of didactics of mathematics.
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