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Continuity of monotone functions

Boris Lavrič — 1993

Archivum Mathematicum

It is shown that a monotone function acting between euclidean spaces R n and R m is continuous almost everywhere with respect to the Lebesgue measure on R n .

The nil radical of an Archimedean partially ordered ring with positive squares

Boris Lavrič — 1994

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let R be an Archimedean partially ordered ring in which the square of every element is positive, and N ( R ) the set of all nilpotent elements of R . It is shown that N ( R ) is the unique nil radical of R , and that N ( R ) is locally nilpotent and even nilpotent with exponent at most 3 when R is 2-torsion-free. R is without non-zero nilpotents if and only if it is 2-torsion-free and has zero annihilator. The results are applied on partially ordered rings in which every element a is expressed as a = a 1 - a 2 with positive a 1 ,...

Continuity of order-preserving functions

Boris Lavrič — 1997

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let the spaces 𝐑 m and 𝐑 n be ordered by cones P and Q respectively, let A be a nonempty subset of 𝐑 m , and let f : A 𝐑 n be an order-preserving function. Suppose that P is generating in 𝐑 m , and that Q contains no affine line. Then f is locally bounded on the interior of A , and continuous almost everywhere with respect to the Lebesgue measure on 𝐑 m . If in addition P is a closed halfspace and if A is connected, then f is continuous if and only if the range f ( A ) is connected.

Monotonicity of the maximum of inner product norms

Boris Lavrič — 2004

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let 𝕂 be the field of real or complex numbers. In this note we characterize all inner product norms p 1 , ... , p m on 𝕂 n for which the norm x max { p 1 ( x ) , ... , p m ( x ) } on 𝕂 n is monotonic.

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