On the representation of m as ∑ k = - n n ε k k . Clark, Lane — 2000 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
An asymptotic expansion for the number of permutations with a certain number of inversions. Clark, Lane — 2000 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Local extrema in random trees. Clark, Lane — 2005 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
An asymptotic expansion for the Catalan-Larcombe-French sequence. Clark, Lane — 2004 Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]
Central and local limit theorems for excedances by conjugacy class and by derangement. Clark, Lane — 2002 Integers
Random subgraphs of certain graph powers. Clark, Lane — 2002 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
The independent domination number of a random graph Lane Clark; Darin Johnson — 2011 Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory We prove a two-point concentration for the independent domination number of the random graph G n , p provided p²ln(n) ≥ 64ln((lnn)/p).