On the distribution of primitive roots mod p Cristian Cobeli; Alexandru Zaharescu — 1998 Acta Arithmetica
On the distribution of the Fₚ-points on an affine curve in r dimensions Cristian Cobeli; Alexandru Zaharescu — 2001 Acta Arithmetica
The jumping champions of the Farey series Cristian Cobeli; Kevin Ford; Alexandru Zaharescu — 2003 Acta Arithmetica
A question of the distribution of points on a curve over a finite field. Cobeli, Cristian; Zaharescu, Alexandru — 2002 Acta Universitatis Apulensis. Mathematics - Informatics
The Haros-Farey sequence at two hundred years. A survey. Cobeli, Cristian; Zaharescu, Alexandru — 2003 Acta Universitatis Apulensis. Mathematics - Informatics
The relative size of consecutive odd denominators in Farey series. Cobeli, Cristian; Iordache, Adrian; Zaharescu, Alexandru — 2003 Integers
On the set a x + b g x ( mod p ) . Cobeli, Cristian; Vâjâitu, Marian; Zaharescu, Alexandru — 2002 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série