Let G be a triangle-free graph with δ(G) ≥ 2 and σ₄(G) ≥ |V(G)| + 2. Let S ⊂ V(G) consist of less than σ₄/4+ 1 vertices. We prove the following. If all vertices of S have degree at least three, then there exists a cycle C containing S. Both the upper bound on |S| and the lower bound on σ₄ are best possible.
We continue the study on backbone colorings, a variation on classical vertex colorings that was introduced at WG2003. Given a graph G = (V,E) and a spanning subgraph H of G (the backbone of G), a λ-backbone coloring for G and H is a proper vertex coloring V→ {1,2,...} of G in which the colors assigned to adjacent vertices in H differ by at least λ. The algorithmic and combinatorial properties of backbone colorings have been studied for various types of backbones in a number of papers. The main outcome...
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