The theory of Schur complement plays an important role in many fields, such as matrix theory and control theory. In this paper, applying the properties of Schur complement, some new estimates of diagonally dominant degree on the Schur complement of I(II)-block strictly diagonally dominant matrices and I(II)-block strictly doubly diagonally dominant matrices are obtained, which improve some relative results in Liu [Linear Algebra Appl. 435(2011) 3085-3100]. As an application, we present several new...
Some new criteria for identifying H-tensors are obtained. As an application, some sufficient conditions of the positive definiteness for an even-order real symmetric tensor are given. Advantages of results obtained are illustrated by numerical examples.
Some new error bounds for the linear complementarity problems are obtained when the involved matrices are weakly chained diagonally dominant B-matrices. Numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed bounds.
New iterative codes for identifying 𝓗 -tensor are obtained. As an application, some sufficient conditions of the positive definiteness for an even-order real symmetric tensor, i.e., an even-degree homogeneous polynomial form are given. Advantages of results obtained are illustrated by numerical examples.
Some new bounds for the minimum eigenvalue of M-matrices are obtained. These inequalities improve existing results, and the estimating formulas are easier to calculate since they only depend on the entries of matrices. Finally, some examples are also given to show that the bounds are better than some previous results.
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