Let Λ be a tubular algebra over an arbitrary base field. We study the Grothendieck group , endowed with the Euler form, and its automorphism group on a purely K-theoretical level as in [7]. Our results serve as tools for classifying the separating tubular families of tubular algebras as in the example [5] and for determining the automorphism group of the derived category of Λ.
Canonical algebras, introduced by C. M. Ringel in 1984, play an important role in the representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras. They also feature in many other mathematical areas like function theory, 3-manifolds, singularity theory, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics. We show that canonical algebras are characterized by a number of interesting extremal properties (among concealed-canonical algebras, that is, the endomorphism rings of tilting bundles on...
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