A note on basic Iwasawa λ-invariants of imaginary quadratic fields and congruence of modular forms
Stein and Watkins conjectured that for a certain family of elliptic curves E, the X₀(N)-optimal curve and the X₁(N)-optimal curve of the isogeny class 𝓒 containing E of conductor N differ by a 3-isogeny. In this paper, we show that this conjecture is true.
For i = 0,1, let be the -optimal curve of an isogeny class of elliptic curves defined over ℚ of conductor N. Stein and Watkins conjectured that E₀ and E₁ differ by a 5-isogeny if and only if E₀ = X₀(11) and E₁ = X₁(11). In this paper, we show that this conjecture is true if N is square-free and is not divisible by 5. On the other hand, Hadano conjectured that for an elliptic curve E defined over ℚ with a rational point P of order 5, the 5-isogenous curve E’ := E/⟨P⟩ has a rational point of order...
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