On a Map from a Function Space to a Hyperspace.
CONTENTS1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................... 52. Countably bi-quotient maps and their two generalizations......................................................................................... 93. Relatively pseudocompact and lightly compact subsets............................................................................................ 124. A'-spaces.................................................................................................................................................................................
L'autore illustra brevemente i risultati di una ricognizione geologica effettuata nelle valli Hushe, Kondus e Saltoro. Egli distingue nell'area esaminata 3 principali unità tettoniche: a) Batolite Ladak-Deosai, b) zona di sutura (melange) dello Shyok, c) Batolite assiale del Karakorum. Il primo consiste di una grande intrusione granodioritica che verso sud attraversa un complesso gneissico a sua volta attraversato da dicchi di microdiorite. Il passaggio verso la zona di melange dello Shyok è graduale....
In this paper we consider nonlinear periodic systems driven by the one-dimensional -Laplacian and having a nonsmooth locally Lipschitz potential. Using a variational approach based on the nonsmooth Critical Point Theory, we establish the existence of a solution. We also prove a multiplicity result based on a nonsmooth extension of the result of Brezis-Nirenberg (Brezis, H., Nirenberg, L., Remarks on finding critical points, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 44 (1991), 939–963.) due to Kandilakis-Kourogenis-Papageorgiou...
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