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Analytic extension from non-pseudoconvex boundaries and A ( D ) -convexity

Christine Laurent-ThiébautEgmon Porten — 2003

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let D n , n 2 , be a domain with C 2 -boundary and K D be a compact set such that D K is connected. We study univalent analytic extension of CR-functions from D K to parts of D . Call K CR-convex if its A ( D ) -convex hull, A ( D ) - hull ( K ) , satisfies K = D A ( D ) - hull ( K ) ( A ( D ) denoting the space of functions, which are holomorphic on D and continuous up to D ). The main theorem of the paper gives analytic extension to D A ( D ) - hull ( K ) , if K is CR- convex.

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