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H 2 -optimal rejection with preview: geometric constraints and dynamic feedforward solutions via spectral factorization

Elena Zattoni — 2008


In this work, a feedforward dynamic controller is devised in order to achieve H2-optimal rejection of signals known with finite preview, in discrete-time systems. The feedforward approach requires plant stability and, more generally, robustness with respect to parameter uncertainties. On standard assumptions, those properties can be guaranteed by output dynamic feedback, while dynamic feedforward is specifically aimed at taking advantage of the available preview of the signals to be rejected, in...

Self-bounded controlled invariant subspaces in measurable signal decoupling with stability: minimal-order feedforward solution

Elena Zattoni — 2005


The structural properties of self-bounded controlled invariant subspaces are fundamental to the synthesis of a dynamic feedforward compensator achieving insensitivity of the controlled output to a disturbance input accessible for measurement, on the assumption that the system is stable or pre-stabilized by an inner feedback. The control system herein devised has several important features: i) minimum order of the feedforward compensator; ii) minimum number of unassignable dynamics internal to the...

H 2 optimal decoupling of previewed signals in the discrete-time case

The synthesis of a feedforward unit for H 2 optimal decoupling of measurable or previewed signals in discrete-time linear time-invariant systems is considered. It is shown that an H 2 optimal compensator can be achieved by connecting a finite impulse response (FIR) system and a stable dynamic unit. To derive the FIR system convolution profiles an easily implementable computational scheme based on pseudoinversion (possibly nested to avoid computational constraints) is proposed, while the dynamic unit...

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